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once the two arrived back at sanzu's place,

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once the two arrived back at sanzu's place,

they decided to have a drinking session. in the beginning sanzu didn't quite agree to that but when y/n said she just wanted to forget about her problems for tonight, he couldn't help but join in .

" lets play something " she suggested as she poured the two a shot.

" what? "

" truth or drink "

" with just two person? " who plays truth or drink with just two person.

" i'll start " y/n took that as an agreement to start the game even though sanzu didn't really agree on it but he would have anyways.

" whos the prettiest girl you know " she asked , she was hoping he'd say her name. she wanted to her that .

" you asked that just for an ego boost huh " she lightly smirk seeing that sanzu knew her plans.

" you. " she smiled .

" my turn " sanzu said.

" out of everyone in bonten other than mikey who would you date . " 'fuck' she mentally cursed at the difficultly of sanzu's question . did sanzu also wanted to hear his name being the answer to this question? she only smiled as she gulped down the shot she poured earlier .

" pussy " sanzu was hoping she'd answer that question, hence he felt slightly disappointed that she didn't.

" why do you like me ? " it was her turn again . sanzu paused , thinking if he should answer that. answering that would mean that he would be opening up to her and he has never done that before .

" don't you dare drink for this " she warned causing a reaction from sanzu.

" fuck you , you literally drank for my question " the female laughed , unknowingly a smile creeped onto sanzu's face as well .

" you're pretty " he gave a general answer. he wasn't ready for her to see his vulnerable side. he was afraid she was going to leave him afterwards.

" thats lame "

" what happened with mikey in the past? " sanzu found himself wanting to know everything about her , although he knew it was a sensitive question but she could choose to drink if she wanted.

" fucks with this question " sanzu watched her movement to see if she was going to drink or not .

" fine ... " sanzu honestly didn't think she would answer this question.

" me and mikey met long ago, in a club, where he saved me . eversince then , we fell in love but not everyone get happy endings you know. " she had a sad smile.

" i took a bullet for him from kisaki, thinking i was going to die from it but i didn't. and im guessing mikey thought i wouldn't make it and proceeded to end his life too but failed , resulting in a lost of memories instead . " sanzu was quiet , yet he was listening to her story like a kid listening to a bedtime story .

" but it seem that me and mikey might never be together again " she sighed , taking a shot to release the tension in her .

" are you planning to move on ? " sanzu asked again.

" its suppose to be my turn to ask you ! " she said but she chose to answer it anyways.

" i wasn't going to but... " she looked at sanzu, maintaining eye contact. sanzu could see the softness in her eyes and how vulnerable they looked at this moment.

" i might just move on for you " sanzu mouth was left ajar. the perfect girl that everyone wants in bonten would move on from her past lover for him? its almost as if it was too good to be true.

" you're playin with me huh " he has a small smirk , thinking she was just playing around.

" and what if im not " her eyes never left his.

" what if i said i want you right now " she stood up and walked towards the strawberry haired male that was seated across her , her fingers played with the tie he had on.

" you're drunk aren't you " two shots is nothing to make her drunk. she was clear and sober as she shook her head in disagreement .

" don't bring up something you know you cannot finish. " sanzu warned knowing damn well he knew he would get blue balled as she probably would not end up having sex with him despite seducing him first.

" you know whats better than drunk sex? " she whispered into his ear, causing him to get the tingles as her soft voice lingers in his ears .

" sober sex. that way it won't be a mistake. " she answered her own question. it was a rhetorical question anyways. sanzu was very much seduced. he had been waiting for the day to fuck her and get to know her on a sexual level. yet he doesn't want to get her into doing something she doesn't truly want to. he didn't want to risk things being awkward afterwards if she wasn't serious about it however the tension between them was heavy.

" sanzu you're.... an amazing guy " she blurted out . she did genuinely think that .

" i want to do it with you. " hearing her personally say that made him feel some type of way. although he has had many woman, yet non of them had this effect on him like she did. the last time she has sex was with rindou, meaning this would be her first time with sanzu.

" don't regret this "


smut chapter or no?

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