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" what happened ? did he do anything to you? "

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" what happened ? did he do anything to you? "

Sanzu asked the female who had came back into the car after the meeting with her past lover.

" im fine. " she put on a small smile for him, but deep down she didn't know how to break the news to him. she didn't know if she should even tell him in the first place.

" so you're back together with him? " the strawberry hair male asked with slight nervousness in his voice as there might be  a possibility that they might have made up and that she would leave him.

" not really " that answer gave him the reassurance that he needed but he also questioned why the answer was not solid or direct. she was unsure what is their status. he wanted her to leave with him but they aren't exactly on good terms too . sanzu didn't want to pry further since she didn't quite seem like she wanted him to know. after all, who was he to know all about her. the status they had right now were just friends, work partners.... maybe more? he always wondered what he meant to her, but he was afraid the answer was not what he wanted to hear.


a few days past by like a flash. sanzu and y/n have not seen each other since that night . the idea of not being able to see her made him go insane alittle . he tried reaching out to her but all he got in return were dry texts. he didn't know what went wrong.

" what the fuck is wrong with you " his partner un crime asked out in frustration as he has been talking and talking to sanzu yet he was spaced out to even realise kokonoi have been talking the entire time. the harsh call finally got to sanzu.

" if this is about y/n then wake the fuck up , she ain even seem like shes into you "

" shut the fuck up you don't know anything about us "

" oh yeah? you're so obvious when you're in love sanzu, the whole world knows it . " in anger sanzu wiped his arms across the coffee table, smashing the wine glass that kokonoi was drinking out of earlier .

" i can't see you do this to yourself " with that kokonoi left the room, leaving sanzu alone with his thoughts.

" fuck " he whipped out his phone and dialled her.

' the user you have called us currently unavailable please try again later . '

" what the fuck ? "

' the user you have called us currently unavailable please try again later . '

she was unreachable. he panicked. did something happen to her? was she ignoring him on purpose? he wasted no time to drive over to apartment.

once arrived, he barged in, desperately calling her name hoping to hear some kind of respond . nothing. he tried to call her on the phone again, tapping his feet anxiously and impatiently . thats when he realised something. her closet it was left open and was empty. her clothes were gone. he checked the bathrooms, so were her toiletries. the worst scenario dawn upon him.

' did she leave without telling him at all? ' he rummaged through her room, deep down hoping to find a note that she might have left behind. nothing. just then, he remembered something. mikey had inform him that he was going to manila, and the other day y/n had went to see him. the dots were connected yet he didn't want to accept the fact she did. he was in disbelief. had she left with mikey without a trace?


" honestly i didn't expect you would come " the white haired male said taking a slip of champagne, looking at the view of manila through the hotel windows .

" when are you returning? " she asked, drinking the champagne together with him. he shrugged his shoulders .

" why you worried about someone?" the thought f sanzu immediately popped up in her head . she wondered how he was without her . as much as she hated to admit it, she missed him alittle.

" no just.... wondering . " she thought that coming to manila with her past lover would make her happy. i mean thats what she have always wanted. to be reunited with him once again . but this time it felt different. it felt rather empty.

" how did sanzu let you come "

" i didn't tell him " he chuckled.

" do you not care if hes so worried about you right now"

" shut up, he doesn't think of me like that " or so thats what she thought. who would be in love with a girl that still loves her ex and had nothing to offer.

" cheers? " the male held up his glass .

" to our first day here " he spoke in the softest voice. their glasses clanked, a small smile appeared on her lips.

its been soooo long yall omgg! will try to update more 😞😞

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