Rufus Emeterio

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Rufus Emeterio
8:56 am

I didn't get much more sleep last night. Mateo was a different story.He managed to pass out five minutes after we got back into bed.Part of me didn't want to go back to sleep.Just because we beat the Death-cast prediction doesn't mean we're not still in danger.Some government nutcase could break down the door and arrest us for fucking up the Death-cast system.Luckily,they didn't .I just spent most of the night scrolling through Instagram. All of the Pluto's uploaded old pictures of us all together,each of them with the hashtags "#Plutosforever" and "#Gonebutneverforgotten". Fucking hell I miss them.I have all these texts and messages from them telling me they'll miss me and they're gonna live it up for me.I have to keep stopping myself from replying.When I tell them I'm alive I wanna do it in person.It'd be shitty to do it over text.

Mateo stirs in his sleep, rolling over to the other side of the bed.I take this opportunity to slide out of the bed slyly.I know, we said we wouldn't leave our safe island, but when I came up with that idea I forgot that people need to piss.

I can't lie,this apartment is awesome but it's kind of a maze.While looking around I accidentally find Mateos dads bedroom. There are so many pictures of Mateo when he was little.My curiosity gets the best of me and I walk in,admiring everything.The walls are a sort of muted cream with a black picture rail running over the walls.Everything's a little dusty but I'm not surprised,it ain't like anybody's really using this room right now.My eyes stop at this one photo on his dads dresser.I dust off the frame examining the people in the photo.One of them is obviously Mateos dad.He looks a lot younger here and he's got his arm wrapped around a woman.She's also got brown hair and glasses like Mateo.My eyes widen as I realise it's Mateos mum.God this pic must be like twenty years old by now.Dang, the resemblance between him and his mum is crazy.

"How long you gonna keep snooping for?"
"Ah fuck!" I jump out of my skin,Mateo calm as a fucking cucumber leaning on the doorframe.I place a hand on my chest "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Mateo laughs at my reaction. "I was just try to find the bathroom" he gives me a doubtful smirk,cocking his head to the side slightly 
"Yeah it looks like your looking really hard" since when did Mateo spit out sarcasm like Chandler?.
"Come on, don't be a dick" Mateo laughs to himself
"Sorry" he points down the hall "Its the door down the end by the way" I put the picture back in its place and thank Mateo before heading down the hall.

By the time I get back Mateo's just sitting there on his phone. I flop down on the bed next to him.He's scrolling through Instagram, specifically focusing on photos of his friend Lidia.
"You doing alright?" I ask in concern.His head darts up at the sound of my voice, breaking is train of thought.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine" his eyes dart back to the phone screen.
"We've literally just escaped death, you really gonna start lying to me?"
"I'm not-" he stops halfway and sighs "I'm just kinda nervous" I place my hand over his
"I get that" I reply "You better be there when I tell the pluto's I'm alive.I need a witness for when Amiee kills me" 
"And you don't think Lidia's gonna kill me first?"  he retorts, giving us both a laugh.I try to take his mind of the whole "Hi, guess what? we're not dead" situation.
"You hungry?" I ask, cause I'm fucking starving.The last thing I ate was a grilled-chicken salad and french toast sticks yesterday morning.Back then I was almost certain it would be my last meal.Look at us now.
"I mean yeah but the stoves still broken"
"We could go out somewhere,I'm pretty sure I saw a little cafe around the corner"
"Its a plan" Mateo claps his hands together jumping off the bed.Already appearing to be in a better mood. "Let me just get changed first" he walks over to his closet.And it makes me realize, I'm still wearing the same clothes beat Peck up in.Its kinda depressing now that I think about it.I dont want to ask him but I can't imagine I look great. Reluctantly, I ask
"You got anything I can borrow?" His head darts around to face me
"Yeah I think so, lemme look" he reaches around for a few seconds before chucking me a pair of black jogging bottoms and a grey nike hoodie.They look a bit small but they should still fit.
"Thanks" I begin changing out of my old clothes.For a minute I begin thinking of this as some kind of stupid metaphor.Like my old clothes were the remnants of old Rufus.Before Mateo Rufus. Maybe this represents the new me. But then I think more, and I think that's stupid. Clothes should just be clothes.I finish changing and catch Mateo looking from the corner of my eyes. I look back and he darts his eyes away, turning a bit red.I muffle a laugh  before saying with a smug smile
"Now who's snooping?". He starts to turn a deeper shade of red and mumble's
"Shut up". I keep trying to hold back giggles but fail miserably.Mateo's wearing a pair of dark jeans and a red plaid shirt about the same shade as his face right now.I hug him from behind,resting my chin on his shoulder.He melts into my touch
"You're lucky you're cute" I whisper, kissing his cheek. We sit with each other for a minute,scared that if we say anything we might fracture the peace. But nothing can last forever and eventually Mateo turns to face me to say
"Alright come on I'm starving let's move" he breaks free, grabbing ahold of my hand and leading me to the front door.

The first guys to beat Death-cast, back out into the world. Together.

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