Rufus Emeterio

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Rufus Emeterio

1:03 pm

I'm standing outside of the hospital.Idly picking the dirt out of my nails because my phones about to die and I need something to do with my hands.The clap of footsteps get closer and closer, I raise my head to see the bright smiling face of the famous, Mateo Torrez himself. As I meet his gaze, he speeds up and greets me with a quick hug.
"Hellooo" He kisses my cheek "How'd it go with the Pluto's?"
"I got punched in the arm several times, but other than that it was awesome.They were all thrilled to see me, Tagoe even cried a bit"
"Really?" He tucks away his hands in his back pockets
"Yeah" I sigh "It was mad, and I'm probably gonna have bruises for like a month.But man, it was good to see them. I mean I feel like a weight got lifted off me.It's pretty good knowing you've got more than one day left"
"I get what you mean" I see his eyes dart behind me and focus on the hospital door.His expression drops a bit, noticeable anxiety on his face.
"You sure you wanna do this?" He flinches and looks back to me.He gives me one of those half, anxiety induced smiles. He takes a deep breath and tries to shake it off.
"Yes, I do" He nods. I step away and gesture to the door.
"In that case, after you" 

We start to walk in together, it smells like strong lemon disinfectant and cotton.Everything's either white or vomit beige, walls,chairs, doors the whole shebang.And you can't forget the blinding fluorescent lights that make you wanna start wearing sunglasses.Fucks sake, I hate hospitals. They're weird and boring and they just freak me the fuck out.

We get to the front desk and it looks pretty much the same as it did yesterday. There's a guy behind the counter in blue scrubs and heavy eye bags.I read his little name tag and see his names Jared.Oh crap, it's the same guy from yesterday.Luck is really not on my side today.Wonder how this must look? The two guys who were supposed to be dead a few hours ago standing here healthy as a horse.He looks up from his little computer screen, once he recognises us he shoots us both with a look of pure hatred.I can't blame him, if I was in his shoes I'd probably do the same.I tuck my hands in my pockets,Mateo and I start to awkwardly step towards him and he judgingly places a hand on his hip.

"What the- are you kidding me?" He asks and massages the bridge of his nose "Ok kid, I know you wanted to see your dad but seriously, fake death? That's low" Mateo and I share a look, both of us wondering if we should tell this guy the whole we-were-supposed-to-die-but-didn't situation.But to be real, even if we did I don't think he would believe us.I wouldn't.
"Well-" Mateo speaks up, probably to say some sort of excuse to get us out of a scolding but he gets quickly cut of. 
"Whatever excuse you're gonna say, I don't wanna hear it." I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from saying something stupid, or punching him.I wanna feel bad but this guy really annoys me. He lets out a sigh and rubs his eyes "Just...what do you want?" Mateo swallows before sheepishly saying 
"I'm here to see my dad, again" 
"Ah, you're lucky it's visiting hours, can't pull the Decker card twice" Mateo looks away, as if he's guilty of something.Which is stupid, he has nothing to be guilty of.It's not like we were planning on living. We weren't going around bragging about our death for the hell of it. 

Jared types something out on his little keyboard before handing us both visiting passes.
"Thanks" Mateo gives him a polite smile that makes Jared roll his eyes again.We walk towards the stairwell together, neither of us speaking.
"Don't listen to him Mateo." I decide to break the silence and nudge his side to get his attention. "That guy's just an ass, you don't have to feel guilty" Mateo sighs
"Yeah I know, but you gotta give him the benefit of the doubt. He probably gets stuff like that a lot" He keeps his eyes to the floor, tucking his hands away in his pockets.I think for a second and I realise, he's right.God I hate that he's right.It's depressing how many people pretend to be Deckers just for the attention or for free stuff.
"I get what you mean, but doesn't give him an excuse to be a dick." Mateo is too nice for this word. I love him for it. It just sucks there aren't more people like him out there. We make it to the stairwell, passing nurses and doctors on the way.
"Prepare yourself, we've got eight flights to go through" Mateo comments before he marches up the stairs, and I march with him.

We make it to the top, panting and legs aching.I think the only thing I hate more than Jared right now is stairs.Walking past the beige waiting room, Mateo and I stand outside the blue double doors.
"You want me to wait out here?" I ask cause I know this isn't easy for him.Sometimes it's easier to do things like this alone. Mateo bites his bottom lip before he slowly nods his head. 
"You say that a lot dude"
"I mean it a lot" He awkwardly laughs "I just mean like, sorry for dragging you out here just to make you wait" 
"You didn't drag me here, I'm here because I wanna be." I reassure him "Listen, you don't have to apologise. Your dad, your rules. I'll be out here if you want me and if you don't, thats cool" Mateo wraps his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you." He mumbles "You're the best" .We pull apart and I walk off to the beige sofa in the waiting room, watching as Mateo takes a deep breath and walks into intensive care.

I hope he's gonna be alright.

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