Aimee DuBois

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Aimee DuBois
9:03 am

Death cast did not call Aimee DuBois, because she isn't dying today. But she wanted to with how everything's been recently.

The night before she slept over with Tagoe and Malcolm,not wanting to be alone in her new place.They all stayed up,scrolling through Rufus's old photos and the new ones he posted today, laughing and crying over memories.They all posted a photo of them with Rufus with the hashtag "Gonebutneverforgotten" like some kind of online memorial.The comments were all filled with crying emojis and faux sympathy that made them want to strangle them through the screen.Everyone knows crying emojis are bullshit.At some point Malcolm jokingly mentioned how cool it would be if Rufus didn't really die and became the first guy to survive the Death-cast prediction.Claiming they would all be famous maybe get rich cause of it.It made them laugh at the time but thinking about it now made her chest ache in a way she didn't know it could.

Eventually,the sky got darker and the they all began looking more and more lifeless.Soon enough they ran out of memories to reminisce,all that was left was to think of what could have been.The ideas of everything he would never get to do laid heavy on their chests.And so,  by 11pm they all agreed to go to bed.Well, Aimee and Tangoe did, Malcolm had passed out by 10.Then followed by Tagoe.And then there was Aimee.Alone.

She sat in her bed by herself, scrolling through Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr whatever she could use to keep her mind busy as she watched the clock tick down.Then, it hit midnight.And she was certain...

Rufus was gone.

There was no way around it.
He was dead.

She didn't sleep a wink that night.Just in case.In case Rufus really was some kind of miracle story.The first boy to survive the Death-cast prediction.Just in case she would get some magical text or call telling her they were wrong.Rufus would call her in the middle of the night saying "guess what? I'm alive"

But it never came.

Rufus was gone.

And here we are now.

The morning sun painted the walls a golden shade as it shone through the windows.However it was hard to focus on with the light of her phone screen in her face. She was still curled up in a ball surrounded by blankets, trying to avoid her reality.It was better than whatever was waiting for her outside of the bedroom door.

Malcolm had been away for a few hours now, unbeknownst to Aimee.So far he'd really just been starting at the ceiling.Telling himself he would get out of bed soon, in five minutes, ten minutes, he'd do it eventually.His body just felt heavier than usual.He sat up, resting his back against the wall.
"You awake?" he asks,noticing the glowing white light from her phone.
"Mhm" she replied weakly, her eyes half lidded.He paused for a second, not knowing what else to say.Aimee sat up, facing Malcolm and resting her phone flat on her stomach. "You doing alright?" he rubbed the back of his neck in thought.
"I mean, no but, yeah. I guess" The two paused,eyes wandering around the room. It was the next day, without him.It just felt so... different.There was this lingering feeling in the air that the Pluto's were now broken.It would take a long time to put themselves back together.If they could.

Aimee sighed, rubbing her eyes before flinging the covers off of herself, dark circles highlighted by the light coming from the windows. "I'm gonna head home now.My aunt might be worried" she grumbled.She was still wearing the clothes from yesterday, not really looking her best but she didn't really care."Want something to eat before you go?" Malcolm followed suit, getting back on his feet.Aimee waved her hand in dismissal."Nah I'm good, there's this little bakery on the way home.I grab something from there". She picks her jacket up off the floor and flattens her hair slightly, attempting to look somewhat presentable.The two friends walked down to the front door.
"You gonna be ok?" Malcolm asked just before she was about to leave, rather concerned.She let out another audible sigh.
"Well, no but, yeah. I guess" she shrugged her shoulders.They smiled at each other. Together in a moment of bittersweet comfort.The acknowledgment that there was going to be something missing, forever. "I just need some time alone," she said before walking off, waving goodbye as she did so.

The wind gently wisped against her cheek, blowing a few tan autumn leaves her way.The streets empty and cold, rather strange for nine in the morning but she didn't think much of it.After all, she only had one thing on her mind.

And he was never coming back.

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