chapter 2. essay (rewrote)

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                       *xiao emo 😒*


                                good morning xiaooa
                  HOW RUDE OF YOU XIAOOA

xiao emo 😒
what do you want so early in the morning.

               if its so "early in the morning"
                    why are you awake then 😒

xiao emo 😒
i could ask you the same thing tbh

                                  ahahaha.. anyways!!
  could you help me with an essay! 🔪

xiao emo 😒


xiao emo 😒

           I'll make you almond tofu tmrw!

xiao emo 😒
deal, ill head to your dorm in an hour.

                                               thank you <3
                                 liked by xiao emo 😒
after a while, you heard a knock on your door, you immediately jumped out of your bed and rushed towards the door excitedly, tbh you could have done the essay yourself but you just wanted to spend time with xiao (hehe)

you opened the door and saw xiao in a hoodie and shorts you welcomed him and let him enter your dorm.

you both sat on the floor since your desk was unorganized and messy, you both started working on the essay together and finally finished after a long time sitting on the floor.

you were exhausted, "thank you, xiao" you said smiling. he just nodded and was about to leave until you stopped him by grabbing his hand. he looked at you with confusion as he tilted his head. "could you stay for a while more while i make you some almond tofu?" you said "sure,.. anything for almond tofu.." he just loved your almond tofu, you laughed at his reply as you headed to the kitchen, xiao just sat at the couch while waiting for his almond tofu, after a while you finished cooking it a served it to xiao. he seems to enjoy it which made your day, you stared at him as he was eating his almond tofu. "could you not stare at me while im eating?.." xiao suddenly said "SORRY!"

a/n !
i just chugged a bottle of soda, i dont think it was a good idea.., again, im a new writer trying to gain experience!! hope to see you in the next chapter<33 sorry for the boring chapter I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting

413 words

a/n update
yes, i rewrote this chapter because i found it cringy haha anyways have a great day/night see you next time <3 bye

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