chapter 10. lovely.

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you sighed as you laid your head on top of your hands. you were bored.

'when will history end..'

you just wanted to get home, take a shower. eat. and sleep.

then the bell rang. you quickly got up.

"holy shit final-" you mumbled.

"oh wait everyone, do not leave yet. I have an announcement to make." the teacher said cutting you off.


"alright now that everyone's seated i can tell you the announcement, we're heading to liyue for a field trip, while we have a professer Zhongli teach us about the history of liyue while were staying at wangshu inn."


"the field trip will be held in tomorrow. we'll stay there for 2 days, the bus leaves at 6 am don't be late, and prepare from today. that's all you are dismissed." as the teacher left the classroom.

you immediately ran out of class.


"damn, okay. it's time to pack. only two days right? i shouldn't over pack then."

you packed your backpack with the necessities and other things you need to cure your boredom since it's a 5 hours ride there.

you probably over packed.

"welp. I don't think i forgot anything soo, sleep."


your alarm rang. it was 5:36. you were going to be late.

"what a fun and enjoyable morning."

you got up and ran to the bathroom and hastily did your normal routine. you then dashed to grab your backpack and quickly put it on. you were running to school as fast as you could.

yeah, you weren't late. you arrived 2 minutes before the bus was leaving. you were now in line to enter the bus. the students were split into three buses and each row has two seats. you didn't mind sitting beside anyone if it wasn't childe.

(⁠'⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠'⁠) you sat beside venti instead.

you couldn't understand how venti had a lot of energy despite it being 6 am. he probably drank 7 energy drinks this morning. you thought.

you laid your head on the window and attempted to sleep but it was highly uncomfortable.

"y/n!!" venti suddenly said making u startled abit.


"look over to the window!" venti pointed to the window.

you looked over and saw a beautiful scenery of the mountains, you slightly smiled.

"mhm! it looks very beautiful" you said to him

"i agree!!"


two hours passed since u have been sitting in the bus, the driver announced that there will only be approximately 27 more minutes till all of you arrived at the hotel near dragonspine.

you decided to kill the remaining time by writing (or drawing) on your notebook for no particular reason.

venti was sound asleep and you decided to stand up from your seat to see who was behind you.

it was xiao and lumine, xiao was just minding his own business looking out the window not noticing you yet while lumine was also asleep. though the silence between them looked very uncomfortable.

you sat back on your seat and decided to take a short nap too.


your nap didn't last long as you arrived quicker than expected, the teacher ordered everyone to go out once their name was called out so it wasn't too chaotic.

after a while, everyone was out of the bus and on the way to the inn.

you were ready to go inside your room, take a shower, and go to sleep. you were extremely tired and wanted to rest.

everyone arrived at the inn soon after and they went into their dorms already chosen by the school. we all had to share a room with another person, so 2 people each room.

you went to the front desk to grab your room key, verr, the receptionist told you that your room was on the third floor. so you went up and opened the door, and immediately face planted onto the bed.

"Y/n?" a voice called

you look back to see xiao with his hair slightly damp and in a black hoodie and shorts. "Oh! Kazuha!"

"mhm, you can take a shower now."

"alright! thanks," you got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom in the corner of the room.

'if im not wrong, i think someone mentioned that there should be a balcony here.. maybe i can head there after i finish my shower.'


you went out of the bathroom and saw kazuha laying on the top bunk while playing his nintendo.

"kazuha, im going to head out to grab some fresh air for a while."

"alright, y/n. stay safe."

"of course, ill see you later!" you gave him a smile.

you exited your room and went to find the balcony, you found it after a few minutes of looking around. you surprisingly saw xiao leaning against the railing, looking into the sky.

"beautiful isn't?"

"mn, the moon is beautiful isn't it?" Xiao questioned back while a small smile was forming on his lips.

"i love you too." you replied as you stared into the sky, how the stars adorn the sky.

xiao looked back at you, "you mean it?" he asked.

"of course i do, im not that dense." you replied with a small chuckle.

a slight blush appeared on xiao's face, he used his hand at attempt to cover his embarrassment. but you just just lightly laughed at his actions.

"thank you y/n.." xiao suddenly said out of nowhere

"oh? for what" you looked at him

"for being the love of my life."


a/n :

yep, im ending the fanfic here. Its currently 2 am but i hope you enjoyed this book. Im currently working on a Kazuha fanfic rn so please stay tunned ! Thank you for the support in this book, i really do appreciate it. Thank you for reading this far, ily bye! Have a great day, noon, afternoon,or night. Stay safe!

- "affection." ! @ xiao ! modern au Where stories live. Discover now