chapter 5. shopping

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everyone walked behind you and xiao purposely to see what you guys would do. "this would make a good fanfic.." xingqiu said. "i agree!" as hu tao snickered.

all of you walked around the shopping centre for a solid 30 minutes until you all decide to stop by a cafe in the mall to get a small snack, you all headed to the closest cafe.

you sat beside xiao with xingqiu and chongyun beside xiao. while hu tao, yanfei, and xiangling on the other side while the others were sitting in a different table.

a waiter with an auburn hair color came up to you guys with a notepad "may i take your orders?" he said with a smile

"uh.." you all stared at the menu for a few seconds "I'll order almond tofu." xiao said without hesitating. 'typical xiao..' "me and yanfei will have a chocolate smoothie!" xiangling said while smiling, "hmm i think ill just have a f/d (fav drink)." you told the waiter, "and i, xingqiu, and chongyun will just get a cup of tea" hu tao ordered

the waiter nodded in response and went of to the next table.
after a while, the same waiter served you all your food/drinks. you thanked the waiter and grabbed your order from the tray.

you stared at xiao while he was eating his almond tofu, "you're staring yk.." he suddenly said "AH!! IM SORRY-" you blushed slightly for staring at him subconsciously

after a while all of you decided to continue shopping, you guys headed to a clothing store and looked around "ooh! do you think this will look good on me!" hu tao showed you an outfit

after a while all of you decided to continue shopping, you guys headed to a clothing store and looked around "ooh! do you think this will look good on me!" hu tao showed you an outfit

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"well.. you don't know until you tr-" until you got cut off. by venti. "OF COURSE IT WOULD LOOK GOOD ON YOU BESTIE!!" "REALLY? ALRIGHT ILL TRY IT" she said as she ran away.

"everyone seems excited to the firework festival" a purple haired person with pigtails came up to you "mhm!" you simply responded.

gn i cant continue this im so sorry I've been unmotivated, so im going on hiatus even though its only been 5 chapters sorry, i just have my semestral exams in a month and i have to study, hope to see you soon. Might just scrap this fanfic and make a new one, though will notify y'all if i do

- "affection." ! @ xiao ! modern au Where stories live. Discover now