special chptr I

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you and xiao decided to go on a short stroll around at the park, you convinced xiao to go on the swing beside you.

now both of you are just chilling.

then suddenly, you felt something soft and fluffy rub against your leg.

"AAH WHAT THE ARCHONS" you exclaimed

xiao immediately looked over to you to see what happened.

he looked down to see.. a white kitten?

"oh wait, holy shit you're cute." you bent down to pat the cat.

xiao walked over and crouched down, he had to admit, it was cute.

he slightly smiled at the sight. you continued playing with the cat, then suddenly, the cat jumped onto your lap.

you looked at xiao to see him glaring at the cat. was he jealous of a.. cat?

"xiaooo, let's keep the cat"


"cmonn xiaoo, please??"



his face immediately turned pink, he looked away and went back to his swing.

"don't.. scream."

"whoops sorry"

you continued patting the cat, thinking of a name for her.

"marshmallow.. mellow.. hmm mellow?"

you looked at the cat, to see that it has fallen asleep.

"welp, mellow it is" you laughed.

xiao continued looking at you.

"i love you too.." he murmured.


you brought the cat back into the apartment, you and xiao moved into a small apartment, well, with hu tao and kazuha too.

"oh y/n, xiao you're back." kazuha looked back as he was watching television.

kazuha saw a ball of fluff in your arms.

"is that a cat?" he asked.

"yeahhh we found her in the park, hope that's fine with you"

"of course, i adore cats." he smiled

"great! im gonna lay her down beside you then." you laid the cat beside Kazuha.

"oh and y/n, xiao, please prevent hu tao from burning down the kitchen."

"WHAT" you exclaimed
"what." xiao finally spoke.


you were now chilling in your room with the cat resting on your lap.

you heard a knock on the door,

"come inn"

xiao opened the door and stepped inside.


he walked towards your bed and sat down beside you.

"put the cat on the bed"

"huh? why?"

"im tired."

"oh, you can sleep here if you want"

"no.. i want to lay on your lap."

you recalled xiao glaring at the cat when it laid on your lap,

"sure, wait." you lifted the cat off your lap and placed it on the space on the bed beside you instead.

"come here," you smiled

xiao laid his head on top of your lap, as you played with his hair.

soon enough, you both drifted to sleep.

haha short special chapter, on the way to take my passport photo rn, that's all~ ily bye have a nice day, evening。<3 /p

- &quot;affection.&quot; ! @ xiao ! modern au Where stories live. Discover now