Chapter 7. Almond tofu

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after a while you and xiao finally made it to his apartment, though it started raining while both of you were heading to his apartment. so now, both of you are soaking wet. (that sounds so wrong for some reason)

"fuck you y/n now we're going to catch a cold.."

"fuck me the-" you were about to finish your statement but xiao hit your shoulder before you could have finish. "ow that hurt" you said while holding your shoulder "well deserved, now let's get inside before it starts raining heavier."


both of you entered the apartment, it was pretty small but comfortable.
"I'm going to take a shower. you can change into my clothes, it's in the closet in my room. feel free to choose anything." xiao said before he entered the bathroom.

you entered into his room and was greeted with black walls and bedsheet. "what an emo." you walked to his closet and opened it.
"hmm.." you were struggling to choose an outfit but just settled with a black shirt and grey shorts, with a hoodie over the shirt.

you went over to the mirror and looked at your reflection. "damn i look smegsy."
you exited his room and sat on the sofa.

8 minutes later..

xiao finally exited the bathroom and he just sat beside you on the sofa. "didn't i say i was going to make you almond tofu?" you asked xiao, he just simply nodded.
"alright then! to the kitchen."

                  (in the kitchen)

'shit, i don't know how to make almond tofu.'

"you don't know how to make it do you?.." you heard a voice from behind said "AHH!!! WHAT THE FUCK XIAO."
"sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"it's ok, and yeah. i can't make almond tofu. WELL I USED TO BE ABLE TO BUT I FORGOT?!?"

a small laugh could be heard from him, as a small blush appeared on your ears.
'holy shit his laugh is majestic'

"here. let me teach you how."

34 minutes later.

(you were probably expecting a scene with xiao putting his hands over yours while teaching you how to make almond tofu but not this time 🥰)


"yeah.. we did it.."

you took a plate of almond tofu and gabe xiao a plate too. both of you enjoyed the almond tofu while watching a romance movie.

when you both finished eating you placed the dishes in the sink and went back to the sofa to continue watching the movie with xiao. though after a while your eye lids started feeling heavy. you closed your eyes for a while and felt your head be laid on something soft.

xiao pov !

'the movie is pretty interesting..' I looked to the side to check on y/n but I saw her looking tired. 'she could have just told me that she's tired..'
I continued staring at y/n until she finally closed her eyes. I decided to gather up the courage to put her head on my lap. I played with her hair as she drifted to sleep. I let out a soft sigh and smiled.

"goodnight y/n." he gave you a kiss on the forehead.

                            5:53 am

"mn.." you woke up. you noticed you were still in xiao's apartment. 'hmm.. i guess i fell asleep while watching the movie..' you looked up and saw a sleeping xiao. 'wait a hot minute.. DID I FALL ASLEEP ON XIAO'S LAP THIS ENTIRE TIME' as a blush covered your face.

"you're already awake?.."

"HUH?! YOU WE'RE AWAKE THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?" you quickly got up from his lap.

"i woke up a few minutes ago but i went back to sleep.. then i heard something.." he replied tiredly as he rubbed his eyes.

"damn.. sorry to wake you up." as you stood up.

"it's alrigh-"

"XIAOO YOU TRAITOR!" the door got barged down.


"DID I INTERRUPT SOMETHING?!!" as the person entered the room, it was the one and only hu tao.

"no.. you're not interrupting anything.." xiao answered.

"great! anyways, did you forget we have school today!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" you suddenly exclaimed.

"yep! okay, bye now!" hu tao exited and closed the door.

"I DON'T HAVE MY UNIFORM??!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" you shook xiao.

"i know.."


on the way to school you both stopped by your house to get your uniform, and you finally got to school. though, both of you did get detention for being late.

"wow, thank you for much y/n."

"no proble-"

"that was sarcasm."

a/n :
sorry for the late update, I've been actually socializing and hanging out with my friends more often but hopefully I'll be able to update the fanfic more since my semester break is starting soon, also sorry for the pretty short chapter, since I'm literally hiding in the church bathroom to finish the chapter.

thank you for 100+ reads btw!!
that's all, bye have a great day or night <3

- &quot;affection.&quot; ! @ xiao ! modern au Where stories live. Discover now