Chapter 2

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I had just hopped off a train and started walking when two nicely dressed guys approached me. They smelled like whiskey and English leather.

"Why hey there little lady."
"Your looking mighty fine today."

"Get lost."

"Oh I don't think so."
"You to pretty for us to just let you go."

The two guys kept walking closer to me.

"Please, just-"

"I don't think so." One of the guys said

"Go on. Get her!" The other yelled

They both jumped towards me and I moved out of the way. I tried running away but they caught me.

"Let go of me!"


I was able to scoot away.

"Get back here you little-!"

I kept running until I saw someone at a DX station.

"Please." I said, reaching the guy at the DX. "You have to help me!"

"Are you ok?" He walked over to me.

"Yes. Just please-"

"We know your over here!" One of the guys yelled

"Please. There chasing me."

"Yeah yeah. Get inside the store." He ushered me inside.

I went inside and I could here the guys talking.

"We know she's in there."

"Who's she?"

"The girl running this way."

"Haven't seen no girl come this way."

They talked a while more then the two guys left and the other boy came inside.

"Th-thank you."

"No problem." He walked back over to me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just-can you-do you know Dallas Winston?"

"Why who doesn't?"

"Could you take me to him please?"

"Sure no problem."

We walked for a while before he spoke up.

"So what's your name?"

"Danny. What's yours?"

"Sodapop Curtis."

"That's original."

"My father was an original man. So what's your relation to Dally."

I paused before answering. "I'm-......I'm his sister."

"Dallas Winston has a sister? Well who would have guessed."

I laughed slightly.

"Well, here we are." Sodapop led me through a gate and into a house.

"Why Soda pick himself up a broad." Some guy said.

"Ain't she a bit young for ya Soda?" A guy with a nick mouse shirt on.

"She ain't my broad Steve she-" Sodapop got cut off



I saw my brother walk out of the kitchen and pause.

"Dally!" I yelled and ran over to him, jumping into my his arms.
"I missed you so much Dal."

"I missed you too kid." Dally was swinging me around lightly.

Dally put me down and looked at his face. It changed from happy to convert in an instant.

"Oh my god Danny! What happened to your face!"

"It was-"I started but then looked around at everybody in the room.

Dally noticed and he grabbed my hand, leading me to the front of the room.

"Everybody." Dally started. "This is my kid sister Danny. Danny, that's Darry Curtis," Dally pointed to s big guy with lots of muscles. "He's the oldest out of Spdapop Curtis," he pointed to the guy who I found at the DX "and Ponyboy Curtis." He pointed to a younger guy who looked about my age. Dally then pointed to the guy in the Micky mouse shirt. "Over there is Two-bit. And last Steve."

"Why am I last?"

"Cause your least important."

Steve started to move towards Dally but stopped when Darry grabbed his arm. Dally turned me to face him.

"Now Danny. Tell me who did this to your face." Sally's coldness had returned to his voice.

"It-it was-" I looked up at Dally and he nodded. "It was our father."

Dallas Winston's kid sisterWhere stories live. Discover now