Suprizes &fights.

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Carter's POV
It's been a week since I've been lounging around in bed at home,mostly watching soupy

overly dramatic romance movies.

Mom goes to school and picks up my homework so I don't get behind.

So I get that done with the switch of a button,yes I'm overly smart,unlike my two dorks

that I'm supposed to call brothers.

Anyways,I went on Twitter and looked through my notifications and followed some

people back,then I came across this certain profile I looked through the pics and it was

Dylan Dauzat.

I looked at how many followers he had,over 20k how he was mean and rude,hurtful,but

again still my crush.he then tweeted "so there's this girl"

Could he be possibly talking about me? No,Carter stop thinking like that,then it really

hit me hard,I didn't just have a crush on Dylan Luke Dauzat,I was in love with him,and

also I was falling deeper,harder...I was falling for my bully...hard.

Dylan's POV
I was on Twitter and looked through my notifications and ended up on Carter's profile

and followed her then I tweeted "so there's this girl" and my Twitter notifications where

blowing up some of the Dylanators were tweeting "who?" "It's me bitch!"

I then tweeted "you'll have to wait and see"

Then they got even crazier..

I called mrs.Collins and asked if I could come over to work on the project with

Carter,she said sure,come on over so I said bye then hung up and walked out the door,I

walked across the street and up to Carters front door,yes we are neighbors.i knocked on

the door and mrs. Collins opened the door and said she's upstairs go on up Dylan...

I thanked her and walked upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door,she replied with

come in,I opened the door and when she looked up from her phone,her face turned pale

white,like.. Like she had seen a ghost...

Bullied into Love(Dylan Dauzat)Where stories live. Discover now