Things are back to Normal:/

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Dylan's POV
Great. My. Bitchy ex-girlfriend Hope

came over and started making out with

me and I tried so hard not to kiss back

but I guess I'm still used to kissing her

back which isn't good. At all. I want to

be more than friends with Carter. I've

actually liked her ever since her and

her family moved across the street

from me. We Actually were great

friends till high school,I can't believe I

chose popularity over Being Friends

with Carter.Biggest Mistake of my

Life.Jake said that I couldn't be friends

with Carter if I wanted to be

popular,and one day 3 years ago he

told me to bully her. I really didn't want

to but he made me.

Carter's POV

I woke up to the sound of my Alarm on

my iPhone and got out of bed making

this weird sound,and walked to my

bathroom I washed my face and

brushed my teeth and decided to take a

shower,I started the water and went

back into my room and grabbed my

phone to play music I started playing

Fire N Gold by Bea Miller.

I jumped on the shower and washed

my hair and etc. I got out and got

dressed in leggings and a t-shirt and

put on my favorite sweatshirt. I blow

dried my hair and put it in a messy

bun,and did lite makeup consisting of

lite eyeliner and some mascara. I

sprayed some of my favorite perfume

secret angel from VS. and grabbed my

phone an apple and was out the door.


I walked into school and had a feeling

that something bad was going to

happen to me today. I brushed off the

feeling and grabbed my books and

walked to class eating the rest of my

apple I took my seat and scrolled

through Instagram with nothing to post

because nobody would really like it. I

check my notifications and had gained

25 new followers and went on Twitter

people were talking about some app

called vine. I decided to download it

and made an account and figured out

how to use it and made a vine to,I

thought it was pretty funny! It was me

taking different shots and saying bye

Felicia in a Funny voice. I turned off

my phone cause class started and

people were finally here,I tried to

ignore the fact that Dylan was in this

class sitting right in front of me.

Skipping to Lunch

I walked into Taco Bell for lunch and of

corse Dylan and his gang of shit friends

just using him are there I see jake

whisper something to Dylan but I look

away and order I get my food 5minutes

later and turn around just to be

frightened by Dylan standing right

behind me, I walk away and out to my

car and he's following me I ask what he

wants and he doesn't saying anything

all he does is pushes me to the ground

and starts kicking me. I cough up blood

and cry and plead to him and he

doesn't stop I pass out and wake up

still in the parking lot and lay there

crying still. After I'm done I finally get

up and moan from pain I realize that I

missed the rest of school and just drove

home, I see a note on the counter and I

guess my mom won't be home till the

end of next week and today is

Wednesday. Yay house all to myself I

don't think I'm going to school

tomorrow cause Dylan kicked me

pretty bad if I passed out. I thought he

was changing,I thought he actually

liked me I guess I was so wrong...

Bullied into Love(Dylan Dauzat)Where stories live. Discover now