chapter 16..the truth

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i still havent told dylan but im about to i go downstairs,and straddle his waist and i get really neverous i and tears start to come as i stutter out dylan i have to tell you something,

concern comes over his face and he says you can tell me anything baby,what is it? dylan im..i-mm..pregnant. shock takes over his face and he says so im gonna be a dad,

i nodd and he pulls me into a hug and kisses my head,i ask him your not mad? no he answers why would i be im starting a family with the love of my life.

i smile and blush,never mind im just glad that you arent gonna leave me right? of corse i would never leave you baby girl. okay is all i say and kiss him.


im gonna be a father.

i say to myself,i ask carter when shes going to the doctors,if she wants to find out the sex of the baby,and all that,she answers with later today at 5,

we decide to find out the gender,for later so we can get the nursey ready for him slash her possibly both who knows we could get twins triplets,

or even quadrooplets(how ever you spell it sorry). but i honestly dont care ill love them the same no matter what,if there born with disablities,like my little sister soph.

i wouldnt give up on the journey,no matter if we lost them,or if they turn to little rug rat brats.

i look over at carter and start thinkin of how great of a mother she is gonna be.


its now 4:45 and we head out the door to the doctors we go!

at the clinic.

i check in as dylan goes and sits in a waiting chair,and when i finsh checking in for my appointment i go and sit next to him,grab his hand and say are you sure you want to know the gender baby? he nods and says i think we should just because it will be easier to know what kind of clothes,toys,paint etc.

i nod in approval thinking thats the same thing that we said when he asked before but i was just making sure that his answer is confirmed.

Carter? the nurse calls my name dylan and i get up,i squeeze dylans hand a bit to resure him that everythings gonna be fine,cause just by the look on his face he looked nervous,but he shouldnt be that nervous,unless hes thinking about how much pain he's caused me in 9 months.

we get to this room and i lay down knowing what to do,ive always had an interest in stuff like this i thought about it for a career but moved to vine and youtube like my brothers.

i pulled my shirt up as the nurse told ,me to and she rubbed this warm stuff on my tummy for the machine,she moved the thing around on my tummy and she said so you want the gender to? we nod and i look up at the screen with dylan and he says babe look what we made.

i smile at him as he kisses my forehead..the nurse asks if were ready to here the gender we say yes at the same time,






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