Hanako/Amane yugi:You swiftly walked to the old building,nervous but giddy with excitement.The school day was finally over,which meant that you could experiment a little.Huffing and puffing as you made the last climb to the third floor,you replayed the rumour that you had heard around campus,
"Hanako san of the bathroom!'She's on the third floor bathroom in the old building!To summon her,knock three times on the third stall and say-"
"Hanako Hanako Hanako!Are you in there?"
You held your breath as the door creaked open,looking down,you expected some sort of impact.You froze as a soothingly boyish voice rang out through the bathroom.
"I'm here~"
You turned around and gasped,he was really there,you didn't think the rumours would be true but he was,mischievous grin and all.Except the rumour were half wrong.He was a boy,he smiled at you at chuckled,
"Hello there,I'm delighted to meet you stranger!Whats your wish?"
That's what you'd forgotten,if you could successfully summon Hanako's spirit,he'd grant you any wish you desired.Thinking quickly,you looked at him and said,
"I'm going to sound stupid,but I wish for a friend."
You said sheepishly,but Hanako smiled,
"Consider your wish granted!It'll come with a price though,nothing life taking,but whatever was yours is now mine."Yashiro Nene:You never knew the practice garden could be so big!The trees and bushes were so well tended to!Everyone seemed to have something to do.Wondering what to do,you just volunteered and helped out with small little chores like weed pulling and plant watering.Before you knew it,the afternoon was over and everyone headed to leave,but you stayed behind.Looking up behind you,you noticed a hugely tall mulberry bush that was growing juicy berries.
"It wouldn't hurt to take one,right?"
You thought aloud.From behind you,two hands suddenly covered your eyes,and a cheery feminine voice interrupted your thoughts,
"Hey!Guess who?"
"Oh!Hey Yashiro senpai!"
You knew Yashiro from the role call and occasional conversations you had with her,she was a nice girl in the year above yours with adorable ankles.Yashiro noticed your longing gaze at the bush and smiled,
"Here let me help you(Name san)!"
And with that,Yashiro suddenly boosted you up by piggy back and held you tightly,for a petit high schooler,she was quite strong.
"Get em (Name san)!You've got this!"
You smiled at her confidence and picked a few of the juiciest berries you could find and signalled for Yashiro to let you down.She smiled at you as you gave her a few and she returned the favour by platonically(strictly with a capital 'P',Hanako would kill us)pecking your forehead.
"Hey!Lets hang out sometime!Consider it ok?"
You nodded,too flushed to answer.Kou Minamoto:You rushed around the school,you were tardy,again.Your sensei wouldn't be surprised but you were on your quadrillionth detention that day even if you had only been at the school for about three weeks,either the teachers thought you liked detention or Tsuchigamori was a f*cking prick.You rounded the corner and smacked headlong with a boy who was in the same year as you.He was in most of your classes,and you had to admit,he was very handsome with his brightly coloured hair and his beautiful blue eyes.Tripping over suddenly,you almost accepted your fate of making painful contact with the floor.A hand grabbed the back of your collar,you turned and smiled gratefully at the boy,his weird staff thingy and your books were strewn about on the floor.He pulled you back to your feet and squatted down to pick up his bag and books.You did the same,occasionally stealing glances at the boy.Once you were done,you stood up and bowed to him,
"Thank you for helping me!"
You looked up and saw him smiling at you,
"It was no problem!"
"How can I repay you?"
The boy looked surprised and said,
"Hm?Oh!Be my friend new student!My name is Kou Minamoto!How about yours?"
"I'm(name)!You can call me(name san)though!"

Tbhk one shots!
Short StoryAs the title says,it will be continued until I run out of ideas I guess.I won't write lewd stuff or lemon/limes because it makes me uncomfortable,apologies are set in place.There will be au's and fluff and angst.I will also do characterxcharacter fo...