Phantom of the opera AU-(any gender)reader x Yashiro-it means 'I love you!'

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Just in case anyone is confused,there's a thing that women do at a ball of some sorts,they wave a fan to a man of their interests,it means just as the title says!I got this idea from the new Enola Holmes movie!Enjoy!

It was quiet,the opera house was closed again for the night,you were looking around for your best friend Nene.You wanted to congratulate her on her wonderful performance, wanted to tell her something walked around,panicking a little bit.Hearing footsteps,you turned and sighed in relief when you saw Nene.

"(Name san),what's the matter?You looked worried!"
You ran to her and hugged her suddenly,smiling in gratitude,
"Thank gosh I found you Nene chan!I was looking for you!You did amazing in your performance today!Keep up the great work!"
"...I will then...thank you."

And she kept to her word,she got even better at singing and soon enough,everyone adored her voice.You wondered how proud Hanako was of his student,you scanned the crowd for him and sure enough,there he was,he grinned at you and waved.You waved back and turned to the crowd,as the performance finished,two gloved hands covered your eyes,
"Guess who~?"
"...hey Tsukasa!Whats up!"
"Nice one (name san)!Soooo how have you been?"
"Fine I just-"
"When are you gonna tell Daikon chan about your feelings for her?"
Now Hanako floated over to you and started badgering you about it.

You hesitated and sighed,if you got this much attention from two sneaky ghosts then how would you be able to tell her?
"Hanako kun!Tsukasa kun!What are you doing to (Name san)?"
Yashiro walked to the boys and crossed her arms,You glanced at Tsukasa and he smiled at you,showing his fangs.Something was pressed in your arms,looking down you saw a fan that Hanako gave you.You looked in his direction but he was already dragging his brother away.

Yashiro tilted her head at you as you fumbled with the fan,you were a lot nervous now since you were alone with your crush.Once you got it open,you mentally thanked the gods that it was big enough to cover your blushing face.Hesitantly,you waved the fan a little bit in her direction and instantly hid your face behind it again.Yashiro gasped and gently pryed your hands away from your face,
"Why didn't you tell me before (name san)!?I love you to!"
Holding your shoulders,she quickly pecked you on the forehead before walking away,
"Your so sweet (name san)!Lets go somewhere tomorrow after the performances!"

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