Headcanons 004.

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How various tbhk characters would react if you got the Hanahaki disease!TRIGGER WARNING:BLOOD AND POSSIBLE DEATH if your not comfortable with this chapter,by all means you are welcome to skip if you want to

How various tbhk characters would react if you got the Hanahaki disease!TRIGGER WARNING:BLOOD AND POSSIBLE DEATH if your not comfortable with this chapter,by all means you are welcome to skip if you want to————————————————————————————————————————————

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.you remembered Hanako telling you that Kou and Yashiro would be relieved of their bathroom duties so that was good for you
.just like me in the morning,you would stumble around trying not to fall from the pain
.you eventually got to the sink and started coughing up a few petals in nausea
.the petals were a dark pink magenta colour...a clematis that symbolically means mischief
.Hanako knew you liked him but he liked Yashiro
.you couldn't be mad at him it wouldn't be respectful but you were happy for him
.who were you expecting to catch you throwing up clematis petals?
.definitely not Hanako
.he comforted you and encouraged you until you had no more petals to throw up
."I'm truely sorry (name san) but my love lies with Yashiro's heart instead."


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.yes you were coughing up sunflowers
.sunflowers mean loyalty and trust in friendships
.you had called Kou telling him you had Hanahaki
.you had also told him about your long lasting feelings about him to him
.he was quiet and you were worried you would have to have the surgery
.the phone receiver had stopped and you were confused
.until the FBI came knocking on your door but it just Kou
.he bought you in for a hug and of course since it's Kou he returned your feelings
.the aching pains from both your lungs had disappeared that afternoon

the aching pains from both your lungs had disappeared that afternoon

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.it started in the middle of class
.holding the blood and white rose petals in were not an option
.you broke down in pain and humiliation
.everyone just sat there looking like shocked stunned mullets except for-
.Tsuchigamori who as a supernatural knew what was happening and Yashiro who actually helped you
."Hey!Don't cry (name san)!You'll be just fine here look!I'll take you to the nurses office!"
.Tsuchi contacted No.7 about the disease
.there was blood everywhere like all over your desk mixed with the sweet and sour petal scents
.you didn't tell Yashiro about your feelings but got the surgery instead

you didn't tell Yashiro about your feelings but got the surgery instead

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.you knew Tsukasa was too dense to know what was happening
.what a stupid thought to think
.marigolds would symbolise cruelty in Tsukasa's case
.but we know he's not all that
.Sakura and Natsuhiko were out finding Tsukasa but wait for it are you ready...
.he appeared in the room just as you coughed a whole flower
.you had lied to him previously that day saying you were fine after he had seen your drained pale face and blood stained hands
.he would make that face except he wasn't smiling
.it was a cold soulless frown that didn't clash well with his childish figure
.he walked to you and quickly grabbed your hands that were covered in fresh blood
."Please (name san)."
."Don't you dare hide these things from me ever again!If you told me sooner I could've helped you sooner!"
.this should've been a happy moment since he returned your feelings quite...angrily I should say which doesn't make sense since he was hugging you

Mitsuba only saw you as a caring older sister but he pitied you when you told him you had Hanahaki

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.Mitsuba only saw you as a caring older sister but he pitied you when you told him you had Hanahaki
.it seems Mitsuba doesn't want to be a bitch today,let's motivate him with a controlled shock
."Oh!You...like me?I-i uh.."
.you didn't mind that he for once kindly declined your feelings because Mitsuba seemed to like someone else with an obnoxiously heavy exorcist staff and it was not Teru Minamoto
.he would be nervous af patiently waiting for his best friend to come back to his boundary after your surgery,but you didn't
.Hanako being the helpful messenger that he was walked into Mitsuba's boundary and broke him the bad news
."No.3,(name san)...didn't survive the surgery."
Mitsuba wasn't surprised but he still grieved a lot and eventually it was you that he would see in the mirror except you had your torso cut open with flowers pouring out and across your eyes
."I...I can only hope that you come back to me..."

Hanahaki disease is when one catches feelings for someone they like or more commonly love.The disease starts in your lungs making you incapable of breathing until you have to cough up the petals and whole flower buds to clear the air pipes which could result in death from a loss of blood,but it can be stopped if your crush returns your love or you get a surgery that heals your sick but you forget about your feelings for that one person.🌸🌹🥀

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