Amane x (fem) reader-sick days

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Inspiration from one of my favourite animes,Komi can't communicate!!I don't own the characters for this and the plot of the story!That goes to the rightful owner of the anime,I'm just writing a fanfic.All ghosts are alive in this one.Except this one has a little something different at the end of the story.

You sneezed and your chest ached with pain.You were sprawled on the bed with the blankets on and a few coughed on tissues were strewn about.You groaned as the watery tears fell out of your eyes.Looking to the side,you saw that your medication was running low.You needed some more or someone to get you more.

Reaching over for your phone,you quickly went and called who you thought was your friend's number,it rang twice and then the call was answered,you didn't waste anytime talking,
"H-hello...Mitsuba?H-hey!I'm feeling s-s-sick and um...c-could you but me s-some more medicine f-for my fever p-please?"
The call was silent and somebody else picked up the phone,
"Hey there (name san)!I think you called the wrong number!"
One of your other friends,Amane was on the phone instead.He chuckled at your clumsiness as your face turned bright red in embarrassment

"What's the matter (name san)?"
You quickly hung up and called Mitsuba's number and told him the situation,you could tell he pretended to not care though,which he did.You sighed and flopped down on the mattress,wishing your parents would come home from work,you sighed again and groaned as the door was knocked on three times.

Scrambling out of the bed,you wrapped the blanket around your body and padded to the front door,opening it you said,
"Woah!That was fast Mitsu-"
Amane stood there with a bag and a jacket on,he looked at you worriedly,
"Did you really think I wouldn't show?Your my friend (name san)!Come one!Lets get inside from this cold weather."
As you walked back to your room to get into bed,you saw Amane taking a few things out of the bag.You raised an eyebrow as he stood up with his arms laden with kitchen food,
"I'll be in the kitchen!It's not 12:00 yet!You'll take the prescribed medication then ok?"

You nodded as he smiled brightly and left the room,you could hear him turning the stove on and using a few of the kitchen tools.You laid in the bed,tired and in pain,your whole body throbbing.You gingerly sat up and pulled the blankets off you,your pyjamas clung to your humid body as you inhaled and exhaled deeply for air.Your limbs stung to no end when you went to stretch them and they felt weirdly like they had pins and needles.

"Hey!I'm finished!I made some chicken noodle soup for you!Are you hungry?"
You nodded and sat straighter as he knelt down near the bed,he was blushing for a second and then just pressed the bowl to you,
"I didn't know if you wanted me to know what?Never mind!Just eat up ok?You don't want to be sick on an empty stomach I promise you!"
He quickly walked off to go clean up his dishes on the bench.You quickly ate up the soup and the warmth spilled through your body like a heated blanket or a hug.You smiled contentedly and placed the empty bowl beside the bed to lay down.
Amane walked in and saw it was past 12:00 and a half empty pill packet for pain relief on the bed side table.Now you were sleeping peacefully and with the rest you were having,your fever subsided just a little bit.The red patches on your face had disappeared and your body was no longer humid or boiling.Amane smiled as he checked the temperature of the thermometer,placed it down and sat down next to you.You looked so peaceful now unlike when he walked in the door to see how sick you were.

Quickly looking around to no one in particular,he slipped his hand to yours and held it,noticing it wasn't sweaty but only just hot.Amane hesitated slightly before gently turning your head so you were looking at him.With his face flushed red and his heart pounding,he leaned down and connected his lips with your yours.After a few seconds,he backed away and jumped to about the other side of the room when the door burst open and standing there was Mitsuba and Amane's little brother Tsukasa.Mitsuba tilted his head at Amane and said to you,
"Hey bitch are you still alive or nah?"
"Oh!Hey Amane!"
"Hi heh heh."

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