𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕣.

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today was a really bad day for [redacted]

she had a fight in class with a girl named anna rose ( this is her real name and [redacted] is not sorry for destroying her privacy for what all she did to [redacted] )

[redacted] was sitting with one of her best friends but then the teacher made anna sit with them because she didn't want to sit in the first bench even tho it was her turn to do so.

[redacted] didn't mind until she wanted to sit in the middle 

that was fine with [redacted] but then she started hogging her best friend

[redacted] didn't like anyone doing that to people she loved 

I mean can you blame her? she lost everyone she loved so she is just making sure it doesn't happen again...

[redacted] waited for 7 whole classes... she kept her cool and let anna be the wall between them.

after the lunch break was over [redacted] put her bag in the middle and sat there

she told anna politely " Anna you sit there ok? " [redacted] thought she will let her sit there for one class at least because she let her impolitely break them apart for 7 classes. 

but noooo

anna rose wanted to sit in the middle because she has been sitting in the edge for years as if.

[redacted] snapped 

she told her she had to sit there because she wanted to talk to her best friend

anna told her something which made her mad

[redacted] went and told the teacher about anna hogging the middle seat

after the teacher came and went 

anna started talking s̴̱̞͔̮͕̍͐̿́̈́̅h̴̡̨͇͎͆́́į̴̗̦̙̗̝̹͈̉͋ṭ̴̢̨̞̟̠̪̮̃̿͐̌̀̿̚  about [redacted] 

[redacted] didn't react because giving her attention meant she won

[redacted] kept smiling and doing her work while anna the ḇ̴̢̡̟͖̳̝̬̮̉͐̄̽̈͒̎̋͘͠ͅi̷̡̙̩̻̪̯̯̞̾̈̀̊̊̒̊͒̇͜ͅt̸̢̛̼͍̺̜̣͈͓̔͐͌̌͘̚͝c̷̨͍͎̤̜͈̍h̶̢̺͍̪͍͝  she is kept bad-mouthing her

then she made [redacted]s best friend sit in the middle 

[redacted] was not in the mood to talk to anyone

but anna had the audacity to say " wHaT ? dOnT hAvE aNy tHiNg tO tAlK aBoUt ??? "

then [redacted] just kept on going with her work

then anna had the urge that she needed to make [redacted] more depressed than she is already and talks s̴̱̞͔̮͕̍͐̿́̈́̅h̴̡̨͇͎͆́́į̴̗̦̙̗̝̹͈̉͋ṭ̴̢̞̟̠̃̿͐̌̀̿̚ about her to everyone

[redacted] had enough she snapped at herself and started doing §êl£ hårm to herself with her nail

[redacted] kept doing it until her hand was bleeding and it left visible red scars on her hand

[redacted]s best friend kept asking what the hell she was doing and why she is not talking to her

and yada yada yada a lot happend 

in the end [redacted] attracted a lot of unwanted attention 

and also went home and ate something which is poisonous to the human species 

[redacted] does not want to go to school tomorrow

she hopes she dies

I hope she dies

i am tired of this cruel world please end mine and her misery 

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙- with love [redacted]

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