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Am i not enough?
I do everything i can
I do what you tell me to
And yet you make me feel irrelevant
A mistake
A nobody
Why does everyone treat me like this?
Am i cursed to live like this forever?...
What did [redacted] even do to you?
She punishes herself more than any of you
She starves herself
She cuts herself
She hits herself
She over works herself
And yet its not enough
You dont know how much it hurts to live a life where your own existence hurts you
You dont know how many scars are there on [redacted]
If you did you wont be mean to anyone ever again
But you may ask " why is [redacted] hurting herself " because physical pain is bearable but if you are hurt emotional no matter how many years it takes that wound wont be healed
But if you did manage to heal Congratulates you have healed and became stronger
But [redacted]... She wont be healing very soon
No matter how many pills she takes
No matter how many sessions she has with her therapist
She will not heal
" well she is not Trying harder "
You dont know how much she tries
She tries so hard to get herself together
She tries so hard that she cuts off people who actually care about her
She tries so hard that it physical drains her
She tries so hard that she cries till she cant no more
She tries so hard that it all falls apart again...
She pulled herself together for 3 months
3 months i say-
But one small problem came and gone
3 months of no self harm down the drain
She is sick and tired of explaining her mental health to people
Over and over again
You wont understand [redacted] either way
either she is not trying harder or she is just lazy
everyday is a nightmare for her
But no one cares
She is just a nobody.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙-with love [redacted]

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