Chapter 26

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I wake up to the sound of soft snoring to my left.

Without opening my eyes, I let out a groan and roll onto my side. My face presses into a soft pillow, and I'm aware of thin, smooth sheets tucked around me. My beskar staff and sheathe are gone, along with my cloak and weapon holsters. I peel my eyes open to see sparse, gray furniture and walls. I've seen these walls and felt these sheets before, and it doesn't take me long to realize that I'm in Din's room. Once again, in his bed.

Another snore bubbles up, now behind me since I shifted positions and my whole body tenses. I risk rolling onto my back and force myself to look over at the person next to me. I let out a sigh and relax into the mattress when my eyes settle on the tiny, green child tucked in next to me. He lets out another soft snore, this time trailed by a little gurgle, and I chuckle. I roll my shoulders and neck, satisfied when my joints give a slight pop, and swing my legs around to the side of the bed to sit up.

I feel so much better than before.

I can feel my own energy humming with the power of the force at its normal capacity and I take a deep breath. My muscles aren't stiff or weak anymore. My head is clear. I look down and see the familiar gray and black clothes wrapped around me. They're full of ash and slightly torn from all the excitement. It occurs to me that I don't even know how long ago everything happened. A few hours? Days? The familiar hum of a ship engine is missing, telling me we're not in space. Are we still on Nevarro? Did we land somewhere else?

I shove to my feet and lazily trail over to my room. The ship is silent, the only sound being my bare feet padding across the metal floor and up the ladder. I press the door controls to my room and suck in a breath when the door opens. My netted hammock is gone, replaced with two crates pushed together and a soft, thick pile of blankets spread across them like a mattress. A lumpy pillow sits crookedly on one end, accompanied by a sloppily folded warm blanket. The cargo net I used to sleep on is hanging above my new bed, and all my weapons and holsters are tucked in a neat pile in it. My staff leans against the wall beside my bed along with my boots. The various scattered supply crates that usually cover my floor are neatly stacked in one corner. One crate sits beside my bed like a nightstand with the jug of spotchka sitting on it. I let out a quiet laugh and grab the jug, taking a long swig of the cool liquid.

I get to work on the crates next, finding the one where I'd started stashing all my clothes from Omera. Since my current clothes had definitely seen better days, I grab a few new things to put on. I end up with faded black pants that tuck into my usual black boots, a dusty gray shirt, and a soft blue wrap that practically swaddles my shoulders and waist. It's comfortable, more so than my usual clothes. There's no space for concealed weapons, but that makes sense. Why would anyone on Sorgan ever need to carry a weapon?

She also lent me a few practical items, like a hair brush, which I quickly make use of. I catch a glimpse of the ends of my hair as I pull it all over my shoulder to untangle. A little blonde is peeking through the streaks of deep red.

When I'm feeling a little less covered in ash, I decide to venture out of the ship. I walk past Din's room to check on the kid once more, and he's still fast asleep. The light from outside the ship pours in through the open ramp and I squint when it hits me. I blink a few times, adjusting to the daylight, and realize that the world around us is still covered in lava fields. We haven't left Nevarro. I frown, wondering why Din had decided to spend his time redecorating my room instead of getting us off world, when I catch sight of him outside.

My heart tugs at the sight of him dutifully stacking dark lava rocks in a neat pile just about the same size as an Ugnaught. I start down the ramp and wordlessly grab a few rocks to add to the pile. He grunts as he works, and doesn't notice my presence until I place one of my rocks beside the one he's situating. He straightens, rubbing his lower back once as he looks down at me.

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