Rozdział 3

479 9 2

When everyone finished breakfast, Ezran took the floor.

-Well, we will leave the castle in the afternoon, after all, today there is a festival.

Rayla spoke up.

-My parents will spend time with us in the garden, they must finally meet their grandchildren.

-Well, Runnan you come with me, it is necessary to get rid of it.

Everyone started to leave, finally Runnan came out of the room with Ethari.

-Ethari, don't be angry with me, but I want to talk to Runnan, you know in person.

-I understand, I waited for you Runnan twenty years I will wait for a while longer.

After that Ethari gives Runnan a kiss.

-I will wait for you in the garden.

Ethari walked away, but Runnan still looked behind him.

-Runnan it is not befitting to keep a king waiting.

-You are not my king.

Ezran laughed.

-I'm not talking about myself.

Runnan looked at him confused.

-You will see, and now, though.

Runnan followed him.

They walked through the castle in silence, finally Runnan asked.

-Is it true that twenty years have passed ? Because it seems to me as if just a few days ago I was sent on missions.

-That's right, I can't believe it myself, I've been married for twelve years already, and a king for twenty.

Ezran made a huff and let the air out.

-I don't hold it against you and have long since forgiven you.

Runnan paused.

-How ? How can you forgive me ? After all, it was me ...

-I know what my father did. I know his mistakes, that's why I don't want to follow in his footsteps. And I know that it was not your fault, you were only doing what you had to do. I can't change the past, but the future belongs to me and to you too.

Ezran extends his hand to Runnan.

Runnan thinks for a moment.

-Maybe I was wrong about people.

Then he hands him his own.

Suddenly a roar is heard outside the window.

-Well, here we are late. 

They walk out in front of the castle, where a huge sky dragon stands.

-Runnan I present to you Azimondias the Dragon King.

Runnan approaches and bows to him.

-Hello, mighty king. I am happy to...

-Runnan enough of this official tone, it is enough for me that you will call me Zym.

Runnan was now a little off his rocker.

-Hello Zym, nice to see you again.

-You too Ez, then why did you call me, you said it was urgent.

-Runnan needs to be taken out of the asassin's bindings.

-Come here Runnan.

Runnan approached, and Zym sniffed his hand. After tem gently inserted a claw and cut it in one motion.

-It's better now, isn't it ?

-Yes, thank you king.

-And now Ezran forgive me, but I have to take care of something urgent. I'll come later, just know that they have jelly cakes waiting for me.

-I know, sometimes I think you could start another war over these cakes.

-And you don't ?

Zym laughed as did Ezran, then flew away.

-Runnan what are you standing there, let's go to garden.

Runnan, slightly surprised by what he had just seen, followed Ezran into the garden. 

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