Rozdział 7

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Zym carefully landed, everyone approached him.

-Hello Zym We haven't seen each other for a long time.

Callum said.

-Forgive me this, please, I was a little busy.

-You know I'm not angry.

-Well I must congratulate you, these artificial clouds are very realistic, I was fooled myself.


-I would like to introduce you to someone.

Rayla said.

-I would love to meet.

-Runnan you already know, and these are my parents, the only dragon guards who have remained faithful.

Rayla's parents stepped forward and bowed, Rayla's mother began.

-The dragon king we are....

She was unexpectedly interrupted by Zym.

-I know who you are, and I also know that thanks to you he is alive. If I died, the world would be plunged into war. It is not you who should bow to me, but it is I who should bow to you.

After which he stretched one paw forward and bowed his head before them.

-I will never forget this to you.

After which he blew a light mist on them.

-What is it ?

Rayla's father asked.

-This lifts the spell that was cast on you. When everyone thought you had abandoned your duty, you were made into ghosts. But this spell lifts that exile completely.

-Thank you.

-Well, now have fun, it is a joyful day after all. Ezran where are those cakes of mine ?

Everyone laughed at this.

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