Runnan was led to the armory, and was surprised once again that day when he saw next to the myriad of weapons made by humans, weapons that came from Xadia. He easily recognized the one that came out of Ethari's hand. From it he selected a pair of twin blades for himself.
He returned to the garden where Cirdan was already waiting for him.
They faced each other.
-Are you ready Cirdan ?
-Any time.
They move on each other. Runnan jumps and tries to strike a blow, but Cirdan blocks it. Then Runnan tries to strike from the side, but Cirdan notices it in time and blocks it at the last moment. Cirdan then jumps and punches Runnan, who barely blocks the blow.
Both are panting from the effort.
-Rayla trained you well.
-Because she had a good teacher herself.
The two shake hands.
A cook's helper enters the garden.
-We invite you to meal.

Dragon Prince -The last thing
FanfictionSeventeen years have passed since the defeat of Viren, Claudia, and then with great effort and sacrifice defeated, the north star Elarion, the fallen star, the last of the Greats, the bearer of gifts, the dark brother, the arch mage Aaravos. And twe...