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Taehyung walked towards the car after letting his tears flow he sobbed hardly he couldn't hide his feelings..... He loves jungkook more than anything in the world

Taehyung was in deep thoughts now one of his wishlist done... Making jungkook and jiwoon again happy... Taehyung smiled sadly he sighed nth time

"Appa eomma i wish that i could come to you guys soon.... I don't want this life look at me actual pathetic shit hahaha.... I don't have anyone except kookie... But see now he is so happy with jiwoon.... They are happy.. He is happy.... Im also happy...

Don't hate him okay appa? Because he can't live with me... He don't even like me  yes he said yes to me for being my boyfriend, im the fool here..... Anyway love you... And see you soon..." He said and wrote his diary and went to bed..

With jiwoon and jungkook

Honestly jiwoon looked so cute and beautiful but his mind were stuck in taehyung's beauty... Those doe eyes when he lit up the candles.. His honey glowing skin.. Those moles... His fluffy hairs... His smile towards him... He already misses the younger.

Jiwoon showed his cute smile to Jungkook, jungkook didn't felt its cute as taehyung's again.

"Baby! Im so happy that we will live together forever " jiwoon said and hugged jungkook

"Im so thankful to taehyung... Honestly i feel sad for him" he said and placed a kiss on jungkook's neck

"Why did you sad for him huh?" Jungkook asked and broken the hug

"One he is gonna be give his whole property to your name, like whole his in these years he were working so hard for being like this and he owned most of the companies in korea and that guy he is gonna be re write the owner ship to your name... We will live like we wanted " jiwoon said made jungkook shocked

"Why he gives the whole property to me?"

"He said that in the future he won't live in this richness and  your marriage was based on a contract right? Yes jungkook's appa told him everything very long... And he is willing to do that too"  jiwoon said

"And two, he is gonna divorce you very soon just wanted to see us happy moreover your happiness " jungkook's eyes began to tear up a little...

"Because you won't love him back , he was blablaing about you remember when you introduced me as your friend to him, yack he were talking your school days and your dating things with me... And when he said he didn't had his first kiss yet after his marriage too i felt happy because only i can be your first and last kiss...

And like your wish he began to hard work, and look he made it, he made it for you... For us kookie, we will get married soon... Can't wait for that day baby, he said firstly he will do the property settings and let you free... And our marriage! Your orginal marriage " jiwoon said and placed a kiss on jungkook's cheek..

Jungkook felt so suffocation, his heart again telling him something which he can't get, he miss really something ...... He really do.. He just wanna go home.... His home.... Taehyung

Jungkook gulped he saw taehyung sitting on the couch he still have a pen in his hands he looked like he were doing something then he saw the certain dairy. When taehyung noticed him he gave a beautiful smiled at him.... Very sweet smile but that was hiding a painful heart...

"O-oh you came already, where jiwoon? You made it? Yes i know you will because you are jeon jungkook right? I wish i could see you guys together very soon! And don't worry about it k-kook leave everything to me okay?

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