Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Bruno Madrigal (Father Figure! Platonic Headcanons)

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Anonymous asked:

Can I request platonic (father figure) hcs for Bruno Madrigal (Encanto), Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (LTS)? Thank you sm ✨🕺

Warnings: Uninvolved Parenting, Mention of Custody Battles, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - This was fun! I wouldn't mind doing it for more characters.

Bugs Bunny (The Looney Tunes Show)

Although he is much more composed than Daffy, Bugs teaches the kid to prioritize fun over duty. Work and school play second fiddle to games and recreation. Bugs is adamant about telling off anyone who protests against his parenting style, taking a condescending approach to these people and hinting that his kid is happier than theirs.

Bugs is the type of dad who plays dress-up with the kid, and while he is at it, he gives lessons on how to trick others via different costumes. The kid is taught how to subtly manipulate and turn conversations, a fact that Bugs applauds and encourages. He is happy to assist in many of these schemes as long as they do not physically hurt anyone.

Lola thinks of herself as the kid's mother and acts like she and Bugs are a married couple with a child. She argues with strangers about her legitimacy as a mother and Bugs' legitimacy as a father, leading Bugs to salvage the situation by agreeing to take Lola and the kid to a family dinner.

Bugs is comfortable being seen alongside the kid in public, as he considers himself the father and a superb one at that. However, if the kid insists on a solo mission and Bugs gets concerned, he tends to follow the kid in drag and masquerade as an ordinary worker or civilian throughout the trip.

If Bugs were to meet the kid's birth parents, he would demean them and make it obvious that he does not care for their presence in the kid's life, for there is no possibility of Bugs renouncing his role as a father figure. He makes room for the kid to stay in his house and is more than willing to kick Daffy out of the spare bedroom to the couch.

Daffy Duck (The Looney Tunes Show)

Daffy did not have much of a father in his youth, and the few times that the man was around, he was neglectful and emotionally unavailable. As a result, Daffy has little to no idea what he is doing in terms of fatherhood but will act like he is an expert on the topic.

He claims that the kid's birth parents or legal guardians are hopelessly inept and should just hand the kid over to him. If a custody battle breaks out, Daffy relies on the collective funds of Bugs and Porky to pay the legal fees and refuses to drop the case until he exhausts the opposition.

Daffy is a bit of a deadbeat dad, as he spends most of his days lazing around Bugs' house. Many of his friends, such as Lola and Porky, are happy to watch the kid for a night or two or three, leaving Daffy with virtually nothing to show for his status as the kid's father figure. He sets a bad example and does not mind that the kid may follow it.

He lets the kid eat, say and do pretty much anything unless it inconveniences him. If someone tells him to better discipline his kid, Daffy throws away these criticisms like a pile of trash and insults whoever said it. To prove his superior parenting style, Daffy then gives the kid money that was first given to him by Bugs and says to go wild with it.

If the kid requires it, Tina finds herself doing most of the caregiving. She hounds Daffy about his lacking sense of responsibility and argues that he should abdicate his fatherly title if he is unwilling to put forward the effort. Daffy responds with the assurance that he is a model father, not caring to realise how much he is mirroring his own father.

Bruno Madrigal

Until he is welcomed into the family again, almost everyone thinks Bruno is unfit to be a father of any kind. They say he is dangerous, that he brings nothing but doom and gloom to those around him. It takes months before people on the street quit glaring at him every time he is seen with the kid in public.

Bruno himself believes that he is unsuitable for a long time and does not understand why a kid would form an emotional attachment to him. He approaches fatherhood with palpable awkwardness and hesitancy, often requiring the kid to initiate interactions beyond a simple hello and goodbye.

He becomes more open and responsive to the idea over time, and eventually, Bruno gathers the courage to introduce his rats. Bruno is overjoyed if the kid likes them or at least learns to like them, sending the rats to watch over the kid in his absence and offering to have the rats perform the kid's favourite program whenever the urge strikes.

If people continue to give him trouble for acting as a father figure, Bruno takes on a bitter attitude towards this prejudice against him. He complains about it in private and claims that he does as fine a job as anyone else. Bruno puts his foot down when someone discriminates against the kid because of him.

Bruno is willing to adopt the kid, but as for the kid's birth parents or legal guardian, he struggles to talk to them. If he or his rats discovers that they are mistreating the kid, Bruno declares that he is the new father and will not take no for an answer. He looks to Alma and the rest of the Madrigals for support if this evolves into a greater dispute.

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