Tick, tick, tick.
Constantly, a clock remains ticking in my head.
Yet, the clock is above the living room bed.
The cyclic ticking is enough
To make anyone go distraught.Tick, tock, tick.
The time is counting up or down,
The whereabouts unknown.
However, I am convinced it's counting down.
Who knows the chaos of what is bound?Tick, tick, tick.
Thoughts of it ending make me weary.
Nowadays, whenever I think of you, I often get teary.
The time wasted from day to day
Causes our fates to vary in a mysterious way.Tick. Tock. Tick.
My heart is dancing from the stress.
Can't you dress your face with a smile to impress?
Sometimes I believe it's all just in my head.
Often, I know you wished I was dead.Tick. Tick. Tick.
Won't you join me, dear?
For we can share this dance, don't you fear.
Allow me to be your demise,
After all, I know it is me whom you despise.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
You showed me generosity.
To which, you fed my curiosity.
I was always around,
But you ignored me by staring at the ground.
You claimed to be in another affair.
However I noticed your deception from afar.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Your mentality I shall sustain
Your mesmerizing physique in red, only I will stain.
My love for you is unrequited,
Haven't you seen all my gifts you've visited?
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock... CLANK.
Oh, what was that sound?
Nobody knows where he is to be found?
I'm sorry, my dear.
I know it is with me that you seek tender care,
Everything will be okay...
And here, forever, you still stay.
Tick... Tock...
Time's gotten quite slower.
My, my, why is it only me that you give cold shoulder?
The ticking of your pulse is getting slower by the minute.
I knew you longed for an escape, for I am no dimwit.Tick...
My love for you will never stray
As long as your heart ticks to that very day.
How magnificent you look in this dress,
I am truly sorry for my acts of aggress.
But our fates being tied together all the time leaves me with no regrets.
It may have been something I failed to recognize,
My, oh my, your love blinded my eyes.
Book of Relief.
PoetryThese are poems are short paragraphs/short stories written by me. I hope for everyone to enjoy them as I did making these pieces.