Multiple Conversations

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I find myself alone again,
Talking to my wandering thoughts.
Supposedly, I can be happy, 
But this confusion just makes me want to drink gin.

Here I am, alone again.
I sit still.
And I watch the sky while on this windowsill.
I find myself confused by this conversation, once again.

There are so many personalities.
But if I speak, there are bound to be atrocities.
One man seems very grim.
However, I often notice his little grin.

Here I am, alone again.
I sit still.
And I watch all alone while on this windowsill.
A girl talks while seemingly polite.
However, if you knew her well...
She is not delight.

Here I am, alone again.
I sit still.
While watching from this windowsill.
A woman no older than twenty
Talks nonstop to the ears of plenty.
I find myself confused,
For these stories don't leave me amused.

The group of people grew bigger and bigger,
Which is why I sit alone on this windowsill.
You could never hear a snicker 
From someone like me,
As lonely as I can be.

Here I am, alone again.
I sit still.
While watching and listening from this windowsill.
Multiple personalities
Lead to several conversational atrocities.

I often find myself confused again.
Where are these conversations going?
Well, yes, I know, not towards me.
I can't seem to make sense of what they're saying,
Even if I was the target of their conversations.

Here I am, alone again.
I sit still.
While confused, watching, and trying to listen from this windowsill.
I'm entangled in these confusing bindings.
Can someone please tell me as to what and why they are talking?

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