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The next morning, I woke up before Valerio.

He was laying on his side, his back towards me and the duvet covering his lower half. I turned to look at the clock, seeing the time read nine in the morning.
My room was cold and staying underneath the warmth the blankets provided seemed like a good idea. However, it wasn't a good idea for me to continue laying.

I groaned, dreading the chill that came from escaping my bed. Despite being jealous of Valerio, I lifted the duvet from his waist to his shoulders—letting the warmth engulf him and I grinned sleepily when he let out a satisfied moan.

He shifted, getting into a more comfortable position before he stilled again. He was out, and I had to be quiet as I got out of bed.

I pulled the covers off me, feeling the cool air hit my body. I winced when my feet touched the floor as I made my way out of the room to shower. I felt cold, but sweaty. Awake, but sleepy. My body was confused and I needed the hot spray of water to make me feel better. It worked.

When I finished up, I dressed myself in clothes far too big and decided my hair was a problem for another day. I walked back to my room, pausing when I saw that Valerio was still sleeping—right in the centre of the bed.

He was on his stomach, his head stuffed between the two pillows and peeking out from underneath the covers. He looked so comfortable and I didn't want to disturb him.

But his phone started ringing on the bedside table and it didn't wake him.

It was probably important.

"Valerio," I whispered, giving him a gentle nudge on his arm.

He groaned, visibly displeased by the interruption of his sleep but he made no move to get up.

"Valerio," I said again, a little louder than before. "Someone's calling you."

Wasn't he supposed to be a light sleeper?

"Who's it?" he asked, his voice muffled and his face still snugged up between two pillows. I glanced at his phone, seeing the name Santino pop up.

"Santino," I said, hearing Valerio groan louder. I chuckled when he lifted his head, his face all sleepy and his hair messy. He glared at me, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing when he stretched his hand out and silently waited for his phone.

Valerio hated the disturbance, and it showed in the way he answered the call.

"What?" he snapped, dropping his forehead onto the mattress.

I stood up straight, about to walk away because I didn't want to invade his privacy. Valerio hand caught mine, tugging at it and I saw in his eyes that he wanted me to stay. He was still drunk on sleep, low-lids and dark brown eyes.

How could he look that good in the morning?

I sat down on the side of the bed, watching his entire demeanour change as he listened to Santino. I couldn't hear him, but judging from the expression on Valerio's face—it was either an emergency or really important information.

"Grazie," he said, finally putting the phone off after a brief exchanging of words. Finally, Valerio seemed to have regained some energy as he pushed himself off the bed. He looked at me, and I could already tell that he was going to leave.

"I know I said we were going to have lunch but—"

"It's okay," I said, trying to hide my disappointment. It was only lunch. "Some other time."

A Touch of Sin |18+|Where stories live. Discover now