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Liz left to Harry and Ed left because he had a small gig for a couple's wedding. I had nothing but the empty flat as company. My phone buzzes in my hands, interrupting my Pinterest time. I sigh, my mother's name blinking, pestering me to answer the call.

"Hello?" I say into the speaker once I've accepted it.

"Dammit, Olivia. Why do you never answer? I called you all last night and what? Nothing. I need an explanation... now."

"American Music Awards. mama," I reply. She lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Shit, I watched that and everything, I'm getting old."

I giggle as I stand from the couch and make my.way towards my bed room. "Yeah, hey, mom, I'm thinking of getting a puppy today."

"What kind?"

"The.. barking kind...?"

She laughs through the phone and it's a nice noise to hear. "Ok, so you don't know anything about dogs and you're getting one? Olive, baby, is this a good idea?"

I sigh and pull out a pair of black shorts and a black tank top. "Mom, just because I haven't been properly educated in dog names doesn't mean I can't care for a puppy." I think about how many times people have compared puppies to children and I become excited because I want kids. A dogs a good place to start though. (Disclaimer I hate kids tbh)

"Alright, babe, as long as you're happy. Send me a picture then," I can feel a smile transferring through the phone.

We say our good byes and I hang up, feeling.extremely giddy. I've never had a pet and the thought of getting one kills my heart.

I search up the closest animal shelter and am pleased it's only fifteen minutes from my house. My change of clothes is quick, now wearing fitted workout pants, sketchers and a loose fitting t shirt.

I grab my keys, wallet and phone before leaving and heading to my car. The drive is shorter because no traffic and I make it there in less then expected.

The fresh air hits me as the automatic doors open at my presence. "Hi, welcome to- oh my fucking god hi." The girl sitting behind the counters eyes open wide as she looks at me. I smile shyly.

"Hey, can I see the puppies..?" I ask, not knowing the way things worked. She scurried from.behind the desk and quickly stood by my side.

"Of course" she's all too enthusiastic but I follow her through double doors. The room is noisy with dogs barking and it smells of pet food. I wince at the larger dogs (another disclaimer, I love big dogs, I have a pit bull named Loki, little dogs scare me) as they bark and howl viciously. I scan and.scan, reading.the small note cards attached to their cages.

I stop at a cage filled with small white and brown puppies. All of them are fighting playfully, all but one. A fully white puppy lays towards the back wall, sitting sweetly as it watches its brothers and s sisters act like fools. "That's buddy." The girl says and I take note. "He's quiet, calm and the sweetest thing you'll ever meet." There's a look of.adoration on her face and I realize my face mirrors it.

"Him, he's the one"

Bam I shall update again today or tomorrow. Idk, but before the weekend !

His Casualty (Sequel to His Princess Niall/Demi)Where stories live. Discover now