Hell's bells

56 5 14

"What is this place exactly.." I mumbled as my hand glided across brick, stone and many other material used for buildings that made up the town and its market.

"Is this even a dream? Am I in a coma?"

I let out a quiet gasp "what if I'm dead!? Does this mean I'm in hell? Or is this heaven?" I asked myself looking up at the clear blue sky.

This whole 'boiling isles' thing is like a normal city in my world.. just not cars, phones.. and hygiene..

Is this Detroit?

I walk around the town and through the market seeing creatures of all kind and humanoid people with pointy ears.

I walked down cobbled street after cobbled street trying to find friends.

Going down the cobbled street kicking a small stone that I picked up along the way whistling a soft tune to myself as I reached the end the road to turn to a next.

"Let go of me!" A female voice yelled in help just around a corner.

I peek around the corner and see a girl pinned against a wall and a guy that's being detained on the floor by others "get your hands of me!" The boy yelled
"Wait till boscha gets to ya!" A girl said taunting the two Teens
"I've gave you all I had what more do you want!" The girl said angrily.

"Enough yelling I can hear you just fine" another voice said walking out of the cover of a dark alleyway "this ordeal can be over quickly as long as you comply to some things and no one has to get hurt" the girl said with pink hair.
"Fine, fine just tell us the 'things' and we can get this over with." The girl trying to break free from the grasp of what I presume little pinky's lackeys.

"What's with the attitude Willow? I haven't hurt you.. not yet at least" pinky laughed "not wanting to get hurt" the girl said "oh you think I'll hurt you? Wait until amity gets her hands on you.. speaking of amity let's call her shall we?" Pinky teased as she cupped her hands to her mouth and said loudly "Amity!" She yelled out.
With a few seconds going by a large patch of purple goop risen above the cobble street and formed into a girl with pale white skin like a vampire, with beautiful purple hair.

(Amity a abomination? Or is that just an entrance?)

"What!" amity growls in anger as if she's been disturbed from the dead. "You better watch your mouth girl I'm the leader of the group if it wasn't for me you'd still be stuck with half a witch Willow and that gus kid, remember who gave you a second chance before you talk to me in that tone" pinky scolded the purple haired girl.
"Sorry boscha" amity softly said turning away angered. She didn't have an exact leash she clearly doesn't respect the leader and no one else she's like a dog without a leash.. a very dangerous dog..

"Fuck you boscha!" The girl yelled kicking her legs still trying to break free.

"Oh shut it Willow you're lucky We won't hurt you until you comply" pinky shrugged

"Uh boscha you never told them the deal" some other girl said with her hand slightly raised as if she was gonna get called on.

"Oh.. right.. thank you Skara what would I ever do without you" pinky said as she put her hands into her pockets.

"Willow and.. other kid we have a few rules here you have to comply too, this is our territory if you're gonna pass into our territory you'll have to pay up for entry, second rule"

Blah blah blah they carried on rules but my focus was on that amity girl.. she was cute.. for a little devil that is.
What am I doing? I should help them i shouldn't sit and watch.

Amity walked around to the guy on the floor and looked down on him "I comply" Willow agreed.

"Good, how about you?" Pinky said going over to the guy on the ground.

"I say piss off" he said spitting on amity's boot
Amity's hands clenched into a fist and without a second of hesitation she swiftly swung her leg and kicked the guy across the floor with the same boot he spat on

Blood flew out of his mouth and nose and splattered on the floor.

"No!" The girl yelled trying to break free.

"I gotta help them.." I said to myself finally getting the courage to fight back. I grab the stone that I kicked along the way and went into the open "hey pinky! Let them go." I said in a threatening voice and threw the stone.

The stone flew fast and struck pinky across the face. Leaving a long little cut across her cheek close to her eye.

"Ah fuck!" She yelled covering her new cut. "Deal with the rat" boscha ordered.

Amity punched the palm of her hand and smiled evilly at me.

My eyes widen as I realized what I just done "oh god" I said to myself turning around and trying to sprint away from the scene.
I ran down the street I came from and looked behind me while I reached the end before turning to another street. Amity was close in pursuit and closing the gap quickly. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I yelled as I sprint through street after street and trying to lose the girl.

I ran through a corner and hid behind a dumpster in an alleyway.

Footsteps approached rapidly and stopped.

I held my breath trying to not make any sound waiting to lose what felt like a wanted bounty on my head.

The footsteps carried on and walked away. Once I felt safe I let out a loud exhale.

I came out from hiding to bump into the same girl that chased me here.

She lifted her leg up and kicked me in my chest causing me to fall against a wall "going somewhere gutter rat?" Amity said grabbing me by my collar and held me up "hey.. amity was it? This is all just a misunderstanding" I nervously laughed "if you let me go it won't happen again I promise you that yeah?" I try to negotiate. "Give me a good reason to let go of you" amity growled. "Well You'll have to face the wrath of annoyance?" I shrugged "not good enough" amity replied "Cmon little miss perfect you can't really see it Cause you're holding me up but trust me I'm on my knees begging right now.. in spirit?" I stupidly said.

Amity's ears perked up and her grip loosened and let go of me and turned around taking a few steps away from me "I can't believe that worked.." I mumbled to myself.

Amity stopped and turned her head to look back at me "get lost rat" she said before walking out the ally.

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