Chapter 1 - Return

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The 5 stickmans are back to the desktop once again, they thank Alan for helping them get back.
The hollow headed orange stickman know as "The Second Coming", "TSC/SC" or "Second" for short is awfully exhausted, yet not knowing why.

The rest of the coloured stickmans, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Red are still surprised from the experience not long ago, the Blue coloured stickman speaks up to break the awkward silence.

"That was...strange.."

The rest of the gang spoke up an agreed except for TSC, everyone expected a response / waited for a response, but something unexpected happened instead.

TSC collapsed to the ground taking everyone by surprise, Green was the first to quickly approach the passed out TSC, shaking him hoping he'd be awake, like usual.

"TSC wake up, this isn't funny.."

Yellow, then Red, then finally Blue followed behind. Surrounding TSC, Blue waited patiently, Red played with a cat he'd just spawned, Green focusing on TSC, and lastly Yellow.


Yellow's POV
Everyone except for Green and Blue was focused on something to pass the time, I don't remember much of what happened except seeing everyone except for SC die, this entire day was unexpected.
And strange, who were those two stickmans? Why were they similar to TSC?
I had all these questions, before I could think any further, TSC woke up.



As Second got up, he was immediately met with a hug from Green.

,, You scared us! "

Said the Green stick figure, who soon stopped hugging SC, Red let the cat roam before putting his hand on Second's shoulder before he let out a sigh of relief.

,, What happened..? '' Said the hollow headed stick figure as he got up, everyone soon got up as well before Yellow explained what happened.

• Creator's note 📝 •
- I'm losing motivation
- I'm running out of ideas
- I'm tired
- I'm gay for u
- Idk what else to putt
- Suggest something, I beg of you 😭🙏

It was the next day, Blue had quickly recovered from yesterday.

Yellow recovered a little bit, he documented everything he had remembered and is doing research.

Red barely recovered, he at least had his animals to help.

Second on the other hand was overwhelmed by the thought of seeing his
friends die, he'd seen them die twice.
From Alan deleting them, and from that red guy.

It didn't stop him from wondering who those two were. He wanted to see for himself, when everyone was asleep, or so Second thought.

He did exactly was TCO did to open the portal, and it surprisingly worked! Hoping he'd go to where TCO went, he went into said portal. Unknowing of Green and Yellow watching him.

Green wakes up the rest as Yellow explains the idea, they soon follow SC and go into the portal.

Second looks behind and sees in the corner of his eye, the colour green.
It took him by surprise that He didn't realize he was getting close to the cliffs.

Which led TSC to fall into the water, who was followed by the rest, TSC noticed Red swimming up following Yellow to the cliffs.

He was mad that they followed, He was scared they'd leave again, He was -
None of that matters anymore, he saw the two stick figures from before.
The black stick figure seemed to be mad at the red one.

He seems familiar, Second remembers and quickly follows his friends, afraid of the same thing happening again.
He thought them being alive was a miracle and was sure it wouldn't happen again, and he wanted to stop the same outcome.

He reached the 4 coloured stickmans as they got close to the shack, The Orange stick figure was furious, and worried.

They all look at the direction of TDL and TCO, TSC went out immediately as soon as things escalated between the two figures.

The others worried of the outcome, worried of seeing everyone die, worried of what will happen to Second again, still follow along.

They had their strategy, their plan, their overlay, they should be ready for this. The coloured stick figures run and are in the same position as the day before, this time Red didn't go forward.

Yet for some reason TDL ignored the 4 stick figures and went for TSC, he needed to get rid of TSC first, or else it'll be like yesterday.

DL acted as if he'd go for one of the coloured stick figures, hoping for Second to come in and act hero, it worked as plan.

TSC saw a vision, before realizing what TDL was about to do, but before he could do anything, TDL attacked him.

The 4 stick figures watched in horror as they watch Second get stabbed in front of them, TCO jumped in to stop his "Friend", Green followed but soon was pulled back by Yellow.

" No, we can't make the same mistake, it's - "


the green figure yells before running, Everyone except Yellow followed. He went to the shack to get help from Alan, who came back from eating dinner, remembering what happened Alan immediately clicked "Ok" and was loaded into the Cliff once again.

TCO Shot fire at TDL but was attacked by his spiders, TDL ran with TSC. Everyone looked panic, they couldn't just let their friend die, they couldn't let the same mistake repeat over and over again.

They followed while TCO fends(?) off the virabots, as to where TDL bought Second, he flew to a farm. It seemed abandoned, and had been where TDL was brought to while TSC attacked him.

Second wasn't in an extreme moment, and he didn't know his powers let alone was he in control of it, he thought he'd be left alone but instead TDL kept stabbing and slashing him, trying to escape, TSC threw dirt on TDL's face.

It worked, long enough for him to be able to find his friends, they were horrified at his bleeding state. Blue immediately brought him to the shack in hopes of finding medicine of some sort, Blue puts Second down and temporarily covered the wounds with some paper he found laying around.
Yellow follows not far behind Blue, he arrives to see Second in critical condition and Blue panicking as he isn't able to find a specific leaf for the medicine.

Everything is madness, Yellow quickly covers Second with proper bandages and helps Blue search for the leaves, meanwhile TCO is helping Red and Green defeat or at least damage TDL enough for Second to heal up.

Back at the shack, Blue finds the leaves just outside of the shack and starts making the medicine, Second wakes up from his daze in excruciating pain, he screams in pain which caught the attention of Blue and Yellow, they quickly finish up the medicine and carefully help Second heal up.

They lay second down in a comfortable place before leaving to help Green, Red and TCO. TDL goes to stab Green, since he knows he'll turn into ones and zeros in the blink of an eye, until something blocked his blades.

It didn't Disappear though, it was that Cursor, he jumped off the Cursor And flew away to find his main enemy, Second.

He had to make sure second was dead, gone forever.

He knew they went to the shack, TDL went through the hole on the wall and sees none other than an injured sleeping Second Coming, he knew TCO was coming.

So TDL took second and flew away, but falling not far away from TCO's laser, he dropped SC before getting grabbed by Alan's Cursor.

Red runs as fast as he can to grab Second so he doesn't get more injured than he already is, TCO and Alan fight DL and get him cornered, forgetting all about his virabot spiders, not knowing they're gonna strike the Cursor.

1325 word count, woo.
It's 8:40 PM, I'm so tired -

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