Chapter 13 - Snapped

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The 4 stick figure stood in front of Second's lifeless body.

Red kneeled and started sobbing, Sage just watched. He stepped closer, hovering above Second, before leaning over to grab him.


A laser was shot directly at Sage's shoulder, he looks up to see Chosen's cage burned and dissapearing from the Lasers.

The other four stood back, and wished for the best.

Sage kicked Second and walked to the platform, he started to speak once at the top of the steps.

" Are you scared your dear youngest brother will betray you again? "

Said the white figure with a taunting smile, that filled Chosen with rage.
The coloured gang wondered what Sage meant by " Betray ", would Second betray them too? No, he couldn't. He'd stay with them for years, he's changed.

Before they could even think a huge crashing sound was heard as they looked up to see fire, smoke, and lasers.

Amidst the smoke they see a glimpse of the white figure, being held by Chosen as they dissapeared into the smoke once more.

One of the lasers hit Greens Cage, melting it. Green immediately grabbed Second and put him besides Yellow's cage. Then he went to the room Second was in before, joining the heavy gray mist.

Inside of the Room was a backpack, a bed, a mirror, and a singular light. Green went to the backpack and looked through it, inside were water bottles, good, a flashlight, a blanket, pillows, clothes, knife, and a key.

Green grabbed the key before closing the backpack and bringing it back to the cages, once he arrived he opened Yellow 's cage and looked for Red's cage key.

Once Yellow's door was opened, Yellow grabbed Second and bought him inside the cage. He grabbed the pillows and blanket from the backpack and layed Second onto it, he then looked for a pulse.

Red's cage was opened, then blue.
They went inside Yellow's cage to check on Second, and saw Yellow crying and sobbing hysterically. It was rare to see yellow cry, it means..

Fire filled up the room as they see Chosen run towards them, picking up Second and yelling at everyone to follow.

Quickly packing the things Green left along with everybody else, they ran through the smoke, explosions, and dust as the building started collapsing.

Red looked behind and spotted Sage running towards them, panicked he informed the group.


That made Chosen run faster, Green following along and being right beside Chosen. Red, Blue and Yellow following right behind. As they run through the falling debris, a door with an EXIT sign was found, they opened the door and closed it.

Green immediately locked the door and asked everyone to help him seal it off.

Everyone obliged and looked for wood, rocks, etc.

Chosen set Second down and checked for a pulse.


It made Chosen panicked and he kept checking, no matter how many times he checked Second didn't have a pulse.

He was dead. Where would he go, we all know the Void is empty. But..

Was the void even real?


Second opened his eyes to see, darkness?

Second tried opening his eyes again but they were already opened, looking at his arm he still had colours. He tried to walk but instead hovered, where was he?

Before doing anything else Second was met by a tap on his shoulder as he sees a black figure who had wings and a halo. That managed to light up the darkness.

" S-Second..? "

That voice sounds..familiar..
Second thought to himself before realising, he had died.

" Victim.. "

Said Second in a low tone, The wings lit up enough that Second was able to see Victim's expression.

Tears started to form and his arm covered his mouth as he lowered down to be at Second's level.

" You.You died...b-but...but how?- "
" Sage. "

Victims face turned from an upset expression into one that was filled with rage, and it brought fear to Second. He had always seen Victim peaking from out of nowhere, that was their first encounter. And everytime he met Victim, he was always nice.

Second thought Victim wasn't the type to do revenge, until now.

Suddenly they were outside of the building, this time Second kept floating.

His wings from when he encountered his alternatives grew and he had a halo above his head instead of around him.

He glowed a bright neon green while Victim glowed a bright white, the glow faded when the 5 noticed. Chosen looked back at Second's body as it faded away, following the wind.

The remaining coloured gang looked at their now deleted friend, faces filled with sadness as they all burst into tears.

Chosen leaned to the wall and covered his face before silently crying, and it surprised Victim.

" Oh, he did the wrong fucking choice. "

The sudden cursing surprised Second, Victim was the type to yell language-

That's when he realised Victim snapped.

Victim threw the seal and opened the door, debris still falling as he spots Sage, leaning against a wall heading towards the exit.

Sage spotted Victim and his eyes widened, he straightened his back and went front, but was immediately hit by a force. Looking up Victim was already above him and he saw as Victim raised his hand and a white force came out and broke the roof. Dust falling onto Sage's eye made him blink and that's when he saw white. The blinding white faded into darkness, darkness faded into what was known as the void.

" Had I just been defeated that quickly..? "

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