Chapter 4: Dream

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Hey sorry this took so long to get out. I have forgotten about this book, and had no idea how to continue it. But with the help of a comment in the previous chapter, I have way to continue.  Also this 'Abc'  means someone is thinking.

Tw: yelling

 Phil's POV: 
    I left Tom034's room, and made my way to Dream's office. I'm going to report what happened, and talk about taking Tom home.   'I do hope the boys will like Tommy if Dream says yes.'

3rd POV:
   Phil knocked on the office door three times. "Come in!" The person inside said sounding very tired. Phil opened the door, walking inside closing the door behind him. He stayed infront of the now closed door.

    "What do you need, Dr.Philza?" The person in the chair behind a desk covered in documents said not looking up from paperwork. 

"I just wanted to update you on the testing of Tom034, Dream." Phil said, now catching the attention of Dream.

"Oh? Did something happen?" Dream said with curiosity. "Um, Yeah something major happened." Phil said with caution. "Do tell me." Dream said with seemingly bad intentions.

☆Time skip brought to you by your authors laziness☆

   "..." Dream thinking of what Dr.Philza just explained. "I also wanted to talk about maybe adopting Tom034?" Phil said with much caution.

This seemed to break Dream from his thoughts "NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Dream yelled standing from his seat glaring at Phil. Phil flinched at the loud noise not expecting it. "Why not?." Phil said calmly not want to anger his boss more than he already has.

  "BECAUSE I SAID NO. NOW LEAVE AND NEVER ASK ME THAT AGAIN IR YOU ARE FIRED!" Dream yelled in such anger his mask covering half his face almost came off. Dream sat down at his desk starting on work.

Phil turned around, opened the door and left the room. He closed the door took a deep breath to collect himself, and walked away to continue working.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Sorry it's short I still have more I wanna write but in multiple chapters

Don't be afraid to comment on my writing I would love to hear what you guys have to say so I can improve

Don't forget get to eat and drink water

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening <3

And remember you are loved and important

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