chapter 7: A New Brother!?

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So sorry I haven't update. I've been meaning to but haven't gotten around to it.

I hope you enjoy.

TW: Swearing, yelling, almost obsessive behavior


Techno's POV:


I grabbed the TV remote and ran as Wilbur cursed me out. Wilbur ran after me shouting profanities at me. I snicked at his pettiness. We both knew he was gonna ran out of breath before me, as I have always been the better one at physical stuff.

"Your just mad i'm better than you!" I taunted him knowing it'll make him mad, and lose control of his emotions. I ran into my room, and locked the door. I heard a click from the front door, and soon heard Wil yell dad in the whiniest voice ever.

Blood for the blood God
Protect child
Philza Minecraft
Shut up

"Ugh, Chat shut up"

Lol L

I ignored Chat as much as I could, and unlocked the door. I went done the stairs, and greeted Phil.

"Hey Ph-" interrupted myself upon seeing a chil in Phil's arm seemingly asleep. "Who the fuck is that?" Wil said basically reading my mind.

"Oh.. um a child I took from work.." It seems Phil has surprised adopted yet another child. Prime, he has to stop doing this. He's lucky we found Tubbo's dad, and Ranboo's brother.


"Will-i-am how are you surprised, he's done this twice not counting us." I said while going to sit on the couch to read the Art of War. "True" Wil went over to Phil.

3rd POV:

"Well, what's his name?" Wilbur asked looking down at the Golden hair child. 'Well he is adorable [platonic]' Wil thought subconsciously moving hair out of the child face. "His name is Thomas." Phil said looking at Wilbur smiling.

Phil walked over to the opposite couc Techno was on, and laid Tommy down on it. "Oh and I might have to find another job, because mine burnt down and I quit" Phil said nonchalant. "I mean you could apply for the high-school, they need a knew history teacher. You have that type of degree, right?" Wilbur suggested.

"Yeah, I do. I'll have to go tomorrow while you guys are at university."

"Ugh don't remind me." Techno said putting his book down. 'His hair looks like gold.....' Techno thought looking at Thomas. Techno's piglin instincts kicked in as he started to walk to the child.

Techno picked up the child. "Uhh Tech what are you doing" Wilbur asked trying to get to Technoblade. Techno noticed this move and snarled at Wilbur, surprising his twin. Techno stepped back hugging the golden haired child closer.

"Uhh Phil, I think Tech went piglin mode" Wil said warily watching Techno as he petted Tommy's hair like it was the best thing ever. "He must think Tommy's hair is golden don't go near him. Let him calm down from it".

Techno left to his room not want anyone to take his gold. Wilbur shrugged and went to his room to call his bestfriend Quackity (who he secretly had a crush on). Phil went to the kitchen to make some coffee after a very long day.

~Time skip brought to by obsessive Techno~

Techno was brushing his hair when Tommy woke up. He sat up from Technos lap. "W-Who are you..and where is Dr.Philza?" Tommy asked scared backing up from Techno. Said man looked up from his hair and at Tommy. "I'm his son Techno and he is currently in the kitchen making dinner." Techno answered.

"O-oh" Tommy looked at Techno's hair, and just stared. Techno noticed and asked if Tommy wanted to style it. Tommy hesitantly nodded; Techno turned around. He handed Tommy the brush he was previously using, and some hair ties. Tommy brushed Techno's hair while they talked getting to know more about each other. Tommy decided to fishtail braid Techno's hair. Techno got up and looked at it in the mirror.

"How'd you learn to braid like this.." Techno asked admiring the beautiful braid. "I used to braid my mom's and dad's hair all the time before they were killed and I was taken" Tommy said sadly. Tommy laid down on Techno's bed, eyes fluttering closed. He soon fell asleep. Techno turned around at the sound of soft snores, and looked at Tommy before taking a picture on his phone. 'Have to show that to Phil.' Techno thought looking at Tommy.

All three of the Minecrafts knew that Tommy was their new brother/son, and Nothing could change that.

Well as far as they knew nothing could change it


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Don't be afraid to comment on my writing I would love to hear what you guys have to say so I can improve

Don't forget get to eat and drink water

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening <3

And remember you are loved and important

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