Chapter 5: PLEASE STOP

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Tw: Abuse, Yelling, burns, knife, punching, kicking.


Tommy's POV:
I heard my door open, and I listened to the footsteps. I didn't look up until I realized who's footsteps they belonged to.

Mister Dream

I immediately stood up looking started ahead, hands on my sides. I was terrified; Mister Dream was scary. He would hurt me when he visited my room.

I felt a hard slap, it stung so bad. I could feel tears build up in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. If I did the punishment would be so much worse. Dream pushed me onto the ground. I fell on my ass, hands feeling the cold white tile floor.

I felt a hard kick in my ribs. I curled up in extreme pain. Dream picked me up by my shirt collar. I look in his eyes with no emotion, but you could see the pain and sadness in my eyes. Dream slammed against the walls I could see him reach into his pocket for something.


Doctor Philza wanted to take me away...? I was wanted, I felt so happy in that moment. That happiness didn't last long though as Dream yelled at me once again.

"YOU ARE WORTHLESS, PATHETIC, USELESS, AND UNWANTED!" I felt that feeling of being wanted being drained from my body as I begged for it to come back . I wanted to feel like that again.

I caught a glimpse of Dream taking the thing out of his pocket, revealing it was a lighter. I was so scared of what he was going to do to me. I watched as he turned the lighter on. He let go of me, letting me drop to the floor again. He knelt down, looking at me. He reached for my sleeve and rolled it up.

He grabbed my arm, bringing the lighter closer to it. As he did I could feel the heat increase as it got closer. Soon enough I felt my arm burn, I screamed so loud I'm sure the outside world could hear me.

Dream kept burning different parts of my arm. Soon enough moving to the other doing the same thing. After he did that, he turned it off; he put it in his pocket. He grabbed something from the floor. He must have put it there while burning my arms. I looked at what it wasn it was a knife.

He put it against my legs I winced at the coldness from the metal. He slowly dragged it against my skin, slicing it. I held back my cries of pain. At some point, I had started crying; I could feel him cutting parts of my leg. I bit my lip in painn I hated this. I sighed in relief when he stopped. I know he had been talking, but I didn't hear a thing. He brought the knife to my other leg repeating what he just did. After he stopped, my crying calmed down.

He brought the knife to my right cheek. "You are my puppet, and no one will take you from me." He said slicing my cheek. After that he stood up looking down at me. He left my room. After he left, I could hear a nurse coming in and healing my wounds.

After the nurse left, I started to dose off after I moved over to my bed. The last thing I remembered after falling asleep was smelling smoke. Then I pasted out. Bandages all over my body, in pain.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Don't be afraid to comment on my writing I would love to hear what you guys have to say so I can improve

Don't forget get to eat and drink water

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening <3

And remember you are loved and important

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