Chapter 6: Home

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TW: Fire, swearing, violence

I have a headache but need to. Update more frequently so here you go.


Philza's POV:
I was in my office when I smelled smoke. Seconds after I smelled the bad smell, the fire alarm went off. I could hear Doctors yelling and running around the lab. I sprung up and grabbed my important stuff, plus Tom034's file. I ran out of my office and into the hallway.

  I ran towards a specific door. I sped up, wanting to get there and leave. I got the the heavy metal door, and punched in the code. The door opened up, and I ran inside. I ran over to Tommy, and pick him up bride style. I noticed the bruises burns, and cuts. Anger boiled inside of me, but I had to focus on getting me and Tommy out of here. I ran outside into the hallway, being careful of Tom.

I ran opposite of everyone else, knowing a quicker way out. While running I ran into Dream. 'Damnit' I thought knowing he's gonna try and stop me from taking Tommy.

"Where do you think you are going?" Dream asked angrily.

"The quicker way out if you must know." I replied trying to get past him.

"With Tom034?" He said blocking me like the annoying bitch he is.

"Yes with him, he is not staying another day in this program, Neither am I. I quit this hellhole of a job." I said with so much Sass and annoyance.

"How dare y-" he began to say before I kicked him in the nuts, running away and to the exit.

  I made it to the exit, and ran outside with the poor hurt sixteen year old. I didn't even look back at the burning lab, just walking home to my boys. I was nearing my house as Tom woke up.

  "...Dr.Philza?..." Tommy said groggily having just woke up. He looked around.

"Hey m8, it's okay we are going home." I said not looking at him but at the house making its way in my line of sight.

"Home?...." Tom said curiously looking up at me with his ocean blue eyes with his gold like hair infront of them.

"Yeah.....Home...." I said to him finally looking back at him with a fond smile. We had made it on my porch, and I could here the boys fighting over something along the lines of the TV remote.

Tommy's POV:



I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Don't be afraid to comment on my writing I would love to hear what you guys have to say so I can improve

Don't forget get to eat and drink water

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening <3

And remember you are loved and important

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