Chapter 4, Part 2: Gero |2|

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Frieza scans the sheet and sees two models. One looks like a gem while the other is what looks like a tail. "The tail will do just fine," says the space emperor. "Very well, let's get to work."


"This is how I want this done. Modify my right arm with the absorption tail. My hand will open, revealing said tail. Did you get that?" Frieza says to the doctor.

"I understand. I will have you on the operating table, this process may take a while." Gero explained. "That is totally fine, do what you need to do."

Frieza lies on the table, Gero quickly getting to work. "You better not try anything," the icejin warned. "It would be foolish if I did. You have nothing to worry about Frieza."


After Gero got all of his tools he began to work on Frieza's arm. To the doctor's surprise, Frieza's arm heals once he cuts into it. "It looks like we have a problem," Gero says to the frost demon.

Frieza looked at his arm and realized what Gero was referring to. "Shit, how could I forget. I got so caught up in the aspect of this tail that I forgot that I was immortal. Excuse me, I will be right back." Frieza puts two fingers to his forehead and locks onto the energy signature of Bulma.

He arrives back at the capsule corp building. The others were a little surprised to see that he was back so early. "You're back already?" Kakarot asked. "You miss us already?" Bardock teased. "Don't be silly, I just needed the dragon balls," Frieza says.

"What for?" Bulma questions. "So I can reverse my immortality."

"What made you want to reverse it?" Bardock asked. "I'm afraid that isn't your concern," said Frieza. The Saiyan didn't press further, "If you say so."

"I have a device that can help you locate the dragon balls, you can use that," Bulma says. "That would be great," Frieza said.

Bulma lends him the device, Frieza kai's away. Using the locator, it only took him a few seconds to gather all of the dragon balls. Frieza summons the dragon and states his wish. "I wish to reverse my immortality."

"Your wish has been granted," Shenron stated. Frieza instant transmissions back to Gero to continue the operation.

"Okay, I am no longer immortal. We can continue now." Frieza says. Gero nods as Frieza is back on the operating table. "Do you remember what I told you?" Frieza started. "Yes, your right hand will detach and the tail will shoot out of said hand." Gero recounted.

"Good doctor. You can now get to work." Frieza says. "Yes, right."

Hours passed, and Frieza was busy thinking about all of the new power he would be able to get. Gero was working hard, this was good practice for the doctor. Frieza opens his eyes and looks at his arm, he is missing a hand. A tail was currently attached to the base of his arm. "I see you are almost done. Good work." Frieza applauded the doctor. "Thank you, Frieza.

His hand was attached back onto his arm a little while later. "All done," Gero says. Frieza got up and was happy at what he saw. "You know, I was actually planning on killing you after you finish but I'll let you live," Frieza says to Gero.

Gero had a surprised expression on his face for a second. He composed himself and decided it was best not to reply. Frieza teleports away, he is now in space. "Now that I am not immortal anymore, I have to be careful. Although, I doubt many can contest my power."

|AN: Any suggestions for future events? I have some ideas but I want to hear yours. It can be anything, if reasonable|

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