Chapter 13: More Reality Hopping

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Mini Frieza stood before the four powerful Saiyans, a wicked grin on his tiny face as he prepared to face them in battle. Vegeta, Broly, Trunks, and Xicor braced themselves, ready to take on their opponent, but little did they know, Mini Frieza was not to be underestimated.

Without warning, Mini Frieza launched himself at Vegeta, his small size allowing him to dart in and out of the larger Saiyan's attacks. Vegeta tried to catch him with a punch, but Mini Frieza was too quick, ducking and weaving with ease.

Broly charged at Mini Frieza, his massive size and power making him seem like an unstoppable force. But Mini Frieza was undaunted, using his small size to his advantage, slipping past Broly's punches and landing a swift kick to the Saiyan's gut.

Trunks and Xicor joined the fray, launching their own attacks at Mini Frieza, but he was too quick for them, dodging and weaving through their attacks with ease. Mini Frieza landed a powerful punch on Trunks, sending him flying across the battlefield.

Vegeta roared in anger, his pride as a Saiyan wounded by Mini Frieza's taunts and attacks. He charged at the tiny villain, his fists crackling with energy. But as Vegeta got closer, Mini Frieza revealed a hidden power, his tiny body suddenly growing to match the size of his opponents.

Broly and Xicor tried to attack Mini Frieza, but their attacks were useless against his newfound strength. Mini Frieza dodged their attacks with ease, and then delivered a devastating punch to each of them, sending them both flying across the battlefield.

Vegeta was stunned by Mini Frieza's sudden transformation, and before he could react, Mini Frieza delivered a powerful punch to his gut, knocking the Saiyan prince to the ground.

As the dust settled, Mini Frieza stood victorious over the defeated Saiyans. He grinned triumphantly, reveling in his victory over his powerful opponents. The four Saiyans had been defeated by a tiny but deadly foe, proving that sometimes, size doesn't matter in battle.

As the dust settled, Frieza stood over the defeated Saiyans, a wicked grin on his face as he taunted them. "Pathetic," he sneered, "you Saiyans are all talk and no action. I could defeat you all with one hand tied behind my back."

Vegeta, Broly, Trunks, and Xicor lay on the ground, battered and bruised from their battle with the Miniature Frieza. They struggled to stand, but Frieza's taunts only fueled their desire for revenge.

But to their surprise, Frieza suddenly softened, his tone becoming almost...friendly. "However," he said, "I must admit, you Saiyans do have potential. With the right training, you could become powerful."

The Saiyans were all confused, unsure of what to make of Frieza's sudden change in attitude. But Frieza continued, offering to train them and help them reach their full potential.

At first, the Saiyans were hesitant, not wanting to trust their former enemy. But with a couple of minutes of persuasion, Frieza was able to get them to agree to train with him.

And so, Frieza put the Saiyans through extreme training, pushing them to their limits and beyond. He taught them techniques and skills they had never even heard of before, and ensured that they got stronger with each passing day.

Despite their initial mistrust, the Saiyans began to see Frieza in a new light. He was tough and demanding, but he was also a skilled and knowledgeable teacher. They began to see him less as an enemy and more as a mentor. Xicor on the other hand had plans of his own.

And so, under Frieza's guidance, the Saiyans grew stronger and more powerful than ever before. They pushed themselves to their limits and beyond, determined to become the strongest warriors in the universe.

In the end, Frieza had proven himself to be an unlikely ally to the Saiyans. He had put aside his differences with them and helped them reach their full potential. And although they would never forget their past battles with Frieza, they knew that he had played an important role in their journey to become the greatest warriors in the universe.

The mini Frieza's had long been absorbed back into the main Frieza. Once Frieza was bored of training the Saiyans, he decided to train with Uub since he was aware of how much potential he truly had.

He helps the teen with his magical abilities as well as his overall strength. Eventually, Frieza knew that it was time for him to leave. But before he does, Frieza sucker punches Xicor straight in the face. The Saiyan was sent meters away.

The frost demon turned to the rest, "There is a power that is beyond super saiyan 4. You'll need to unlock that if you wish to defeat Xicor," he told them. "But aren't you strong, why can't you defeat him yourself?" Majuub questioned.

"Because that wouldn't be fun," Frieza tells him. "Goku should also be returning soon, so you guys will have his help as well. I want you guys to remember this, I will eventually return but when I do I want to see that you all have defeated Xicor. And if you do, I will grant you power out of this...universe. Good luck, you'll need it."

Without saying another word, Frieza uses the time ring to travel to another reality.

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