Chapter 5, Part 1: King Cold

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Gero had a surprised expression on his face for a second. He composed himself and decided it was best not to reply. Frieza teleports away, he is now in space. "Now that I am not immortal anymore, I have to be careful. Although, I doubt there are many that can contest my power."


Frieza was currently flying through space thinking about his next moves. "I am conflicted between killing Beerus and traveling through timelines using a time ring. But if I kill Beerus I would have to take his place as the next God of Destruction. And I'm not finished with this timeline." Frieza sighs. "The cat can live but I do have someone else in mind." Frieza stops in his place, he looks for the energy signature of King Cold. "Gotcha." The frost demon instant transmissions to the space tyrant.

Cold was sitting on a throne. Seeing that his son came out of nowhere surprised him. The tyrant smiles at Frieza and welcomes him. "My son, it's good to see you. So you've picked up on some new tricks I see."

"Yes, father. But you see, I am currently on a mission to become the strongest being in existence. And I am afraid that I cannot have you meddling in my plans." Frieza explained coldly. King Cold was taken aback, "What are you rambling on about Frieza? Strongest being in existence? Haven't I warned you about Majin Buu and Lord Beerus already?" Cold says to his son.

Frieza smirks and starts to laugh in the tyrant's face. "What is so funny?" King Cold questioned. "Tell me, father. When was the last time you saw me?" Frieza says. "A couple months ago, why do you ask?" Cold questions again. "Because, that was not me that you saw," says Frieza. "Nonsense, how could that be?" Cold said. "I am telling the truth. That was Ize, a clone that I made. He had been handling my empire while I was exploring the universe."

"You said that you can't have me meddling in your plans. Are you telling me that you are betraying me?" Cold said angrily. "Precisely," Frieza says grinning. The frost demons stare each other down.

"Why are you doing this?" Cold questions. "I can't answer that. Just know that this is your last day of living." Frieza claimed. Hearing this, King Cold lunged at Frieza. "Good, good, come at me," Frieza says.

Cold threw multiple punches at Frieza, all of them missing. Frieza was just too fast. He sends a gut punch to the taller icejin. Cold coughs out a shit ton of blood. "Oh c'mon, that was only one punch," Frieza says disappointingly. Cold grunts in response, "Y-you w-will pay," he says. He then falls onto his knees.

Frieza grins, "It seems to me that you are the one kneeling down to me. I will not 'pay' anything, you pathetic worm. You seem to be the first that will see my new 'attachment', too bad you will also die from it." Frieza laughs in the face of Cold.

He puts his hand out and the tail comes shooting out of it. "W-what the hell?!" Cold began to panic. "You are n-no son of mine, a monster. That is what you are."

"Oh? Are those your last words? Very well then." Frieza stabs the tail on Cold's side. The former yells in anguish. He begins to absorb Cold's power, and lifeforce. All that was his cape and armor. "Glad I got that over with."

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