Chapter 7, Part 2: Trunks' Training

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"Because he's an ally," Kakarot says

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"Because he's an ally," Kakarot says. Hearing this sent the hybrid into a blinding rage. "He's a what?!"

Now: "Yeah, it's kind of a long story," Frieza states. "No this can't be right. I must have traveled to the wrong timeline," Trunks says trying to make sense of the situation. "The timeline you came from is different from this one. In other words, whatever you do here will not change your future," Frieza explains.

He slowly walks up to Trunks. "I am aware that in your timelines Frieza was evil. It's different here, you will have to take my word."

Trunks hesitated, he didn't know what to think. "Well if that's true, I've come to warn you guys about the androids. They rampaged my world, killing many people. Even Gohan fell to them," Trunks explained.

"Androids? Is that what you warned us about?" Bardock asked Frieza. "Yeah, I may have already taken care of them," Frieza replied. They all looked on wide-eyed. "There won't be any threats for a while actually. That's a good thing because of the fact that there will not be anyone threatening the Earth. It's a bad thing because you will not have any real battle experience, that's why Cell is here. He will be the one to push you all to your limits."

"Sounds like a plan," Kakarot says. The Saiyans all cheered. "So you really are different in this timeline," Trunks says. He then looks at Kakarot, "Here," he says. Trunks threw a capsule at him. "This is for the heart virus, if you take it you'll be fine. The Goku in my timeline died because of it. Bulma made an antidote and I'm here to deliver it to you."

"Oh, thanks. You said 'Goku', was that my name in your timeline?" Kakarot questioned. "Yeah, I'm guessing you go by your Saiyan name, Kakarot."

Kakarot nods and takes the medicine. "Anyway, I'm not strong enough to fight the androids right now. I need to train," Trunks says. "Say no more," Frieza said. The frost demon grabs Trunk's shoulder and teleports them to Bulma. "Hey, do you have any capsules with food?" Frieza questioned. "Yeah, let me go get some," she responded.

Trunks looked around the room, he spotted what looked to be a Saiyan female with a blue-haired boy next to her. This made Trunks very confused. The Saiyan and the boy walked over to Trunks and Frieza. "Frieza who's your new friend?" Gine asked. Bulma came back into the room. "His name is Trunks," Frieza says.

Bulma was surprised to hear the name. "Did you say Trunks?" She asked. Bulma handed the food capsule to Frieza, she then had her attention on Trunks. "Hey mom," he said. Gohan was surprised to hear this. "Mom? Are you my brother or something?" Gohan asked.

Then it all made sense to Trunks, the blue-haired kid was Gohan, it just had to be. "Are you...Gohan?" Trunks asked. Gohan nodded, confirming Trunk's thoughts. "Frieza, where is Vegeta?"

"In space, I have no idea what he's up to though," Frieza says. "Kakarot, he's your father isn't he?" Trunks says. "Yeah, is he not yours?" Gohan asked. "No, he's not. I actually came from the future, different from this timeline though."

"Woah, that's so cool," Gohan says. "Yeah, it is cool," Trunks replied. He then had his attention back on the Saiyan woman. "Are you Kakarot's mother?" Trunks questioned. "Yeah, my name is Gine. What exactly is going on here?" She asked.

"To make it short, I came back from the past to warn the fighters about an upcoming threat. And also gave Kakarot medicine to cure him of the heart virus. In my future, he died from it," Trunks explained.

"That sounds terrible," Gine replied. At that moment the Saiyans arrived. "Frieza, if you were to teach us your teleporting ability we would not have to waste so much time flying," Kakarot says.

Frieza laughed, "Sure I can teach you. First I need to train Trunks," he says. "I can't waste any more time." Frieza grabs a hold of Gohan's shoulder again, this time teleporting to the lookout. Kami and Popo greet them.

The room opens and they step inside. "One day in here is equivalent to a year out there," Frieza says. "Now let's get started."

"Alright," Trunks responds. The hybrid Saiyan transforms into a Super Saiyan. Frieza smirks, "You have no idea what you've just got yourself into," Frieza says.


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