This is not the fight you're looking for

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Jack and Sandy left out the window. Outside Pitch and his nightmares were taking over. They felt they could fight them off on their own without the rest of the guardians. But it was not as easy as they had hoped.

Inside of Jamie's room his little sister comes into the room and she trips over North and his snow globe falls out of his pocket. And when she see's Bunny she thinks he's pretty and the snow globe opens up a portal to his Warren and she goes inside.

Once she is gone North is startled awake. Outside on the streets. Jack was back in high spirits Sandy turned a nightmare into a dream sand creature while Jack shot one with with his ice. Only when Jack thought he hit one someone let out a grunt of pain.

This left Jack very confused. On the roof was a boy that looked like Jack. Oh sorry. Are you alright? He asked the boy. Jack why did you shoot your ice at me? The boy with dark ashy skin and black hair and golden eyes asked him with a chuckle and a groan.

Here I'll help you. For a sec I thought you were one of them. I'm sorry Onyx. Are you ok? He asked leaning on his staff. 'm fine. Jack tries to brush the bits of frost off of him but Onyx stops him. Don't touch that. We've been in contact before what's wrong?

If you're not a sand creature or you're not part of the family or Sandy touching the sand parts will have the same affect but will bring you nightmares. It's only after I first transform. If you wait 10 more secs I should be fine.

Onyx are you alright? Two other girls asked him. The other two had paler skin one had gray hair and golden eyes and the other had white hair and golden eyes but they were clearly siblings. Oh hi Jack. They greeted. Don't Onyx reminded his sisters.

We'll be careful Onyx. The one with gray hair rolled her eyes. We're not all the split image of dad minus his personality. The other said making her turn red. What happened? Nightshade Poison calm down it was just an accident.

I thought I saw a nightmare horse and fired up at it. But now that I'm seeing that it's the 3 of you. I'm confused. He stepped back. We're not evil like the others. Onyx started while Jack turned away confused and hurt as he leaned on his staff.

We take after our mother. She sees the good in everyone. He's nice to his family. He just wants to believe in and have power again. Keep his family safe. Unfortunately he feels he can only be believed in when he's feared.

Whose your mother? He asks more confused than he originally was. She's the spirit of summer. She has pale skin and dresses in red and black and Ombre red black hair. She saw the good in pitch even if he doesn't see it. Even when he's good to us.

When we're not working. What do you mean? He doesn't like when we try to reach out to the guardians when we try to play with the kids. Naturally my sisters and I we would never hurt you. And if our humans forms won't kill neither of our forms will.

You were right about what you saw. But it's more than that. What do you mean? Jack Frost? Jack points his staff at Pitch. For a neutral party you and my children sure do spend a lot of time with those weirdos.

Or they try to. I don't see that Farrah girl with you. She's not here. She's not safe with us because of you. That's too bad because now no one can protect her. What are you talking about?! Jack growled at Pitch.

You don't get to decide who I do or don't go after or put in danger or try and make one of my own. Is that how you had 3 children? Don't be silly. Pitch told him. They are all biologically my children.

They're shapeshifters. That's how I got the idea of making nightmare horses. What else can turn into? Dogs and wolves mostly. What's so different about the two? I said mostly they can turn into anything they want really.

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