Tricks and deception

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"Ow... ow ow owowowowow..." Magolor rubbed his head. "Dammit... Someone got the drop on me." He looked around. He was in an empty room made entirely of concrete. There were two small ducts in the ceiling, circulating air through the room. It was bitterly cold. There was a thick metal door below one of the ducts that had a small window set into it. Try as he might, Magolor couldn't break the window to get a hand through it. He thought for a long time about what he could do here, then came to an idea.

He used his magic to heat up both hands, and placed both hands on the door's hinges. He held his hands there until the hinges were fiery hot. Then he made his hands cold, and put them back on the hinges, waiting for them to get cold. Once he achieved this, he backed up to the back of the room and prepared to strike. He lunged forward, twirling to create a corkscrew motion as he surged headfirst into the hinge on the bottom. It shattered. He did the same to get the upper hinge. Now the door was taken care of. He pulled on the handle, and made sure to hold the door as it fell towards him so it wouldn't make too much noise when it hit the floor.

Once the door was gone, he looked around outside, to see if anyone was nearby. There was no one. Whoever kidnapped him clearly wasn't very good at it. He could hazard a guess as to who they were, though. Meta Knight was almost certainly the one who attacked him, but why? Wouldn't he have just killed him on the spot before going to all this trouble? Maybe there was an interrogation planned. Magolor glanced at the clock on the wall. He realized immediately that he didn't know how to read it. Probably should have done this sooner, but he found a nearby place to hide, and thought about what he might want to do from here.

The room he had found himself in also had no windows, but it was rather nicely furnished. There was a couch, and Magolor wanted nothing more than to lay down on it. Unfortunately, he was worried that he'd be caught if he spent any time relaxing. He had climbed under it, as the gap between the couch and floor was decently large. Thankfully, the cover hung pretty low, so it'd be difficult for anyone to notice him.

When Magolor was attacked, he was carrying his new notepad. Whoever attacked him must have taken it, as he didn't have it on him. He always wrote his notes in an ancient language so he'd be more accustomed to translating it on the fly, but it meant that he was pretty much the only one in the universe(that he knew of) who could read them. It didn't usually make much of a difference, and would help to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. But in this case, it might be a problem. After all, everything he had written in there would only make it less likely for Meta Knight to kill him. But since he wouldn't be able to read any of it, it wouldn't help at all.

Magolor peeked out from under the couch, and scanned the area again. It seemed mostly empty, but he needed to find a way out of wherever this was. He climbed out, and checked what exits there were. There were 2 more rooms like the one he woke up in, and two hallways. One went between the cold concrete rooms, the other stretched off to his left. Still trying to keep his presence subtle, he examined the other two rooms. They were empty. He'd have to go down one of these hallways, but they were very long and he could very easily get caught travelling down them. He couldn't tell where they led, but he definitely heard something. He ducked back under the couch, trying to make out what it was.

It sounded like footsteps. Two sets. One sharp, one soft. One of them spoke, and the voice almost certainly belonged to Meta Knight. "On to more serious matters, I have something to show you."

"Is it at all related to all of the things that no one's been telling me about?" That had to be Dedede.

"Yes, that it is. In fact, I believe it will explain everything."

"Everything? You disappearing, Bandana disappearing, and the creepy guy in the castle?"

"Well, I can't say it explains Nix. But as for the other two, it will." So Meta Knight still hadn't figured it out, then. The footsteps grew louder, then Meta Knight's stopped short. "What...?"

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