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Taranza was booking it down the volcano before he even gave it a second thought. If Magolor was down there, he'd be in danger. Taranza couldn't stand to even think about that. He felt his eyesight blurring. Falling behind from running on the uneven terrain, Daroach tried to catch up to him before he was seriously hurt in one of the explosions. He failed to catch up, but the explosions near where Taranza was going were over before he got near them. "Wait up! It won't help to be so frantic!"

Taranza slowed down and looked back. "I don't see him."

"Okay, okay, just calm down." Daroach placed a hand on Taranza's back.

The landscape was smoking craters as far as the eye could see. "I just need to focus."

"You're spiraling. I can tell. I'll look for him, you just collect your thoughts."

Taranza closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. "Okay. Go ahead."

Daroach roamed the significantly more uneven surface of the planet. In the craters there was shrapnel from the explosions. Some were still going off in the distance.

Star Allies

Daroach: Alright gang we got a situation

Daroach: You know that guy in the videos who announces in his intros that he's in some weird place

Daroach: Like 'I am a half mile underground'

Daroach: I'm like that rn

Bandana Waddle Dee: wdym

Bandana Waddle Dee: where are you

Daroach: hold on



Marx: ??????

Daroach: iamonthecurrentlyexplodingplanetofhalcandra.mp4

King Dedede: ??????????????????????

Daroach: Anyway Magolor might be dead

Taranza: You are not helping my nerves.

Meta Knight: What happened.

Daroach: He stole my ship, flew it to Halcandra, Taranza and I took the Lor Starcutter to follow him, and when we were near the top of the volcano everything started exploding

Gooey: ot jas tp ne mome

Marx: thank you gooey

Daroach: hold on i think i found him

Daroach approached the largest of the craters that he'd seen, and looked down at the charred cloak, worn by Magolor. He lay face down on the ground, not moving. He approached, and saw the slight, yet steady rise and fall of breathing. Daroach breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead. Not yet, at least. Even though Magolor'd probably be upset about knowing it happened, Daroach lifted him off the ground and started carrying him over to Taranza. "He's breathing."

Taranza let out a sigh of relief that sounded almost identical to the one Daroach had earlier. "I knew he wouldn't die that easily."

Star Allies

Daroach: Good news

Daroach: He is alive

Daroach: For now

Daroach: He's conked out in his bed rn and Taranza's keeping an eye on him

Bandana Waddle Dee: Do you have any ideea what happened?

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