Knight in Shining Lab Coat

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"Hey, what's going on? Why is everyone running?" Magolor frantically glanced around at the room he was in. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" He pounded on the walls of the case he was stuck in. No one seemed to notice him. "Someone! Please! What's happening?"

A voice rang out from somewhere. It was from someone who was running. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? DON'T TELL THAT ABOMINATION A THING!" Was she talking about me? Did I do something? "HEY! HEY! GET BACK HERE! THE PLACE IS GONNA BLOW IN SIX MINUTES! ARE YOU INSANE?" Oh no.

The person she was talking to approached him. "I could get in a lot of trouble for this, but I can't let you die like this." He opened the lid of the case and threw something in. He closed the lid and the case filled with white smoke.

"W-what is this?" Magolor panicked, and scrambled to get the lid back off. It wouldn't move.

"This is just so you won't have to be awake for this. But rest assured, I will do everything in my power to save you."

Magolor was only faintly aware of what happened after that. The case was moving, and very quickly at that. There was some echoed shouting that he couldn't quite understand, and then everything ground to a halt. "Where... are... we...?"

A voice came from behind them. "Are you really planning to die to save HIM?"

The person carrying the case responded. "I've lived a long life, and he is only a child. Is this not the fair way to go about it?" He opened the case again, and dropped a book in. "In case you forget me, I want you to at least have this with you. Please survive, Magolor."

After that, everything faded.

- .... . / . -. -.. / --- ..-. / - .... . / .--. .-. --- .-.. --- --. ..- .

"I'm going back there." Magolor announced about an hour after waking up. "I want to know more."

"Are you sure? One photo seemed to deeply upset you."

"I'm sure. I've made peace with the revelation. I even saw a part of it in my dream last night. All I want now is to know the truth."

"Fine. Just make sure to listen to me if I'm telling you you've seen enough."

Magolor returned to the cave, now shrouded in a healthy density of mist. He went back to the bedroom. Opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand. Slid the picture into his cloak. Then... the bookcase. If that book the guy had given him was anywhere, it was most likely to be in this room. There was a white outline on the front of one of the planks. Magolor noted this, then began searching the shelf.

Anything that seemed familiar? Out of all the books on this shelf, only four of them were ones that Magolor had read before. He distinctly remembered finding each of them under the bed in the Lor Starcutter's Captain's quarters. I've only ever seen four of these books before, and they're the ones I found under the bed in the Lor, of all places? He'd read them multiple times before. He didn't especially need to do so again. He flipped through one, and a piece of paper fell out.


There was part of some kind of barcode on the back. Interesting. He flipped through another one. A piece of paper fell out.


"Hm. If this is what I think it is, that's gonna give me a lot to think about." A third piece.


"Uh huh. Annnnnd..."


"Neat." He put the four pieces of paper into the white outline, arranged so that it spelled out MAGOLOR . The shelf descended into the floor.

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