Near and Distant Memories

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They weren't lying, that plant does grow overnight. Really took them right up there. Might as well get into character as an innocent onlooker. Magolor approached the base of the Dreamstalk, examined the soil, he knew it wouldn't pay dividends at all, but any onlookers would at least think he didn't put the huge plant in the ground. He also told the People of the Sky not to mention him at all when explaining how the Dreamstalk got there, so any trace of his involvement essentially did not exist. Magolor went back to the Starcutter. Good luck, Kirby.

He tried calling Bandee on the cellphone. No response. Dedede? No response. Kirby? Why even bother? Seemed like all three of them were... otherwise engaged. Perhaps the giant plant had something to do with it? Magolor silently giggled to himself, then felt bad afterwards. He may not have had any better ideas, but this was still pretty messed up if it went the way he thought it would.

The phone started ringing. It was Meta Knight, which was surprising because it meant that he cared enough to call. "Hello, this is Magolor."

"Do you know anything about the huge plant?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm afraid I don't understand. Who is this?"

"You bastard..."

"Oh, Meta Knight! No, I don't know anything about the huge plant. I went and examined the base, but it doesn't seem to be explicitly bad. If that's any help, anyway."

"Did you know it was me the entire time?"


Meta Knight hung up. That was probably warranted. I hope I'm not getting worse again. Magolor decided to spend this time pouring over notes, which he hadn't done in quite a while. He had been reading through them, drawing connections, these two documents have different signatures but the handwriting is identical, instant noodles, etc.

He called Meta Knight the next day to feed him a lie about how the Dreamstalk has mysterious yet noble motives and should not be interfered with by those it is not directly affecting. It was completely made up, but it worked. That should keep Taranza safe from him. Days passed. Work. Magic. Reassuring himself that he wasn't a despicable monster, or at least not anymore. Hobbies. He learned how to cook recently, and today he brought some of it to the Halberd. They seemed to enjoy it well enough.

.. -- .--. .-. --- ...- . -- . -. -

"Hey! Hey! Wake up, guy!" The voice was unfamiliar.

"Nnh... wha?" Magolor was trying to respond to whoever this was, but it seemed like he'd forgotten to at least open his eyes before responding. He was in a rectangular indent in some odd structure. The scenery was abstract, and looked like something out of a work of fiction. He was wearing a blue, white, and yellow cloak, with a bit of purple under where his mouth was. There was someone standing in front of him. He was pretty small, and had an odd sense of style. He wore a strange hat that split off into two sides, and both sides dangled back down to the top of his head. He had feet, but no hands, which definitely wasn't something he had seen before. His feet looked like loaves of bread. "Uhh, good morning?"

"Hi! What's your name? I'm Marx, by the way." He seemed friendly enough for whatever this place was.

"I'm, uh..." He paused for a second. "Magolor. My name is Magolor." At least, that's the first thing that popped into my head when he asked. It's probably true?

"It's nice to meet you! This place is pretty terrible, so it's good for people to stick together. You don't look dangerous, so I thought maybe we could be friends."

"...Frenz? I'm sorry, I don't recognize that word. What does it mean?"

"Oh, wow. That's pretty sad. Er, I'm saying that we should help each other survive. Look out for each other and all that."

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