Chapter 7--Injuries

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Two months later...... *Addy's been being tortured all those months whenever she doesn't answer a question that Ingressus asks or says 'no.'*

Addy Pov.

I sit on my bed my back is bleeding from yesterday's questions that I refused to answer and I wince, this was one of the few times Ingressus has used a song on me, A tourture song if I know, it was yellow meaning Mobilium but it hurt me like nothing else did, I grab a mug of water and dump it on my blood-soaked hair, wincing as it touched my cut. A fresh cut, it hasn't been healed yet so it's going to be bleeding for a bit. I wish mother were alive.... I wish she could tell me that my clan wasn't all bad... I wish that I had anyone who cared about me. I turn over as I hear footsteps approaching my door. I'm expecting it to be Ingressus, coming to ask me more questions but when I look over Tygren is standing in the door.

"I have orders from Ingressus to take you to the healers to get those wounds fixed." He tells me and I grumble something as I shakily get out of bed, holding my injured arm. Tygren walks forward and helps me supporting me with his arm. We walk out of the room into the cold, and I nearly collapse at the pain as the cold hits my cuts. I glimpse Ingressus watching us, and I avoid eye contact. I suddenly feel an outburst of pain, like a shock running down my spine and I collapse, sitting on my knees as I scream. Tygren stops and waits for me to recover before helping me up. I thought I glimpsed a hint of regret on Ingressus face but only for a moment before we were continuing to the hut, we walk in, and I sit on the bed in the middle letting a healer come over and patch up my wounds with her songs and potions. 

"This one is uglier than last time." The medic observes, wrinkling her nose at my wound. 

"Yeah, he asked me a more important question this time." I say and wince as she runs her finger along the wound. She is one of the only Voltaris who has a soft spot towards me, I think her name as Vena, she's an old Voltaris at about 260 years which makes her one of the oldest Voltaris to stay alive at this time. I can't ever tell if Tygren does but he's much nicer for some reason. He hasn't hurt me yet... that's all been Ingressus, and if Ingressus wants me to be scared of him he's gotten further than successful.  

"Oh, I'm sorry dear." The Voltaris says and then walks over to her chest and pulls out a healing potion as well as her Protisium song walking over to me. "Maybe next time just answer his questions, drink this." 

She hands me a mug with pink liquid in it. I drink it and find that it tastes like fruit which is better than what I've gotten in days. Tygren leaves and me and Vena are left alone.

"Just answer his questions and you won't get hurt." Vena says sorrowfully once Tygren leaves.

"V-vena." I stammer and she nods. "I c-can feel something."

I clutch my stomach then my neck.

"What is it dear?" Vena asked worriedley watching me then the feeling goes away.

"Nothing." I say and Vena nods activating her Protisium song and I see a blue light that compliments my Sendaris markings, the ones that hide my Voltaris markings unless I scratch it off. I sigh and then flintch as a wound is healed right as it stings. Vena steps back and admires her work befroe helping me off of the bed. 

"I will get Tygren, stay here." She tells me then walks out. I hear muffled voices then Tygren walks in with a calm look. 

"Come along." He says.

"That's almost all that you say." I mutter and he glances back at me.

"Excuse me, did you say something?" He asks and I stop, afraid that I'm going to get more injuries.

"How would you react if I said 'no'?" I ask and he chuckles slightly then helps me off of the bed.

"Once you get back to your room, I suggest you rest, you never know when Ingressus will want to see you again." He says as we walk towards my room. I look down and he puts his arm on my back once we reach the door gesturing for me to go in. He pulls out a key and once I'm inside the door slams shut and locks. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach like someone's stabbing me. I glance around but no one is there, and nothing is there, then I reach shakily towards my neck, the one place Vena didn't heal and withdraw my hand a moment later. I start coughing then collapse.

I wake up a few hours later and rub my head trying to get up only to fall back down again. My hands press into the carpet, and I realize it's wet and something is trailing from my mouth. Don't tell me I drool in my sleep. I beg then reach up and wipe the liquid off of my mouth only to feel more come. I stop then look at my hand and see it's soaked in blood. I wasn't drooling I was bleeding! I stand up panic filling me then I scream right before I go pale, and everything blacks out again.

Ingressus pov.

I watch as the children tackle each other with my arms crossed. I glance around at the snow for a moment before I hear a sharp scream and I whip around looking towards my prisoner's room. Oh she's going to get a much larger punishment for that. I think drawing Voltar and charging towards the door then opening the door.

"Now if you don't be quiet I will--" I start but no one is there. I step inside and immediately feel something wet on my foot. I slam the door shut and see Addy sprawled on the ground curled up and facing away from me. I grab her arm and turn her over only to find that she can't breathe. I turn her over again and kneel down beside her peering at her closer, blood drips from her mouth onto the floor and I grab her picking her up and taking her to the bed turning her over so she's laying on her stomach. I move her hair aside and find that there's a large gash on the back of her neck and I stop. I did that, I'm the one that's making her bleed. I growl to myself then pull out my Protoheal song and start healing her wound. I lift her up and let the rest of the blood drip onto a plate. Once I'm done, I lay her back down and walk over, picking up the plate and walking out. I throw the plate into the snow and then cover it before walking away to wait until she wakes up.

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