Chapter 9--Memories

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I sit and watch the door, waiting and making sure that no one is coming before I get out of bed. I walk over near the fire and sit down, suddenly cold wind rushes on my back then it's gone, and I hear light footsteps then someone is standing beside me, holding a diamond staff.... Ingressus. I shudder at his presence as he looks down at me then he speaks.

"You haven't had much movement since I first captured you, up."

I get up without question and he smirks slightly. I glance back as he hovers over me. 

"Come along." he says and then walks out of the door slowly making sure I'm following. "Go up here so I can keep an eye on you."

I walk in front of him, and he gazes at me for a moment then continues on gesturing for me to go left towards the edge of a cliff. I stop once we get there afraid that he's going to push me off but instead he stops beside me, and we look down. I feel sick, the fall would surely take my life and with my captor right there.... he could do anything he wants to me. I quiver slightly then sit down. He can't move me very easily if I'm sitting. I let out a startled at the cold once I sit down but then I ignore it. Ingressus continues to stare down the cliff then brushes his fingers along his staff, Voltar. 

"Do you know who the 'Tidesinger' is?" He asks suddenly and I nod hurriedly not wanting a punishment. "And do you know what happened to him?"

I shake my head wanting to fall down into the snow and bury myself into it.

"Silent, are we?" He asks and looks down at me. I keep looking straight. At the view, at what I never knew and never will know. "I assume you don't want another.... punishment?"

The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them and I find myself on my knees at his feet, begging. "P-please d-don't!" 

He stares at me, seemingly in shock for a moment before he shakes it off.

"I won't." I says and then pulls me up and gestures for me to turn to go back. I walk forward and brush the snow off of me as we reach the room. I walk in and Ingressus right after me. "If you're lucky we might go further next time. I will send someone to bring you food."

With that the door shuts and I hear it click, locked with no way out. I slump down then go over to my bed sitting down on it then seeing a few papers in the corner. I go over and take them, getting a pencil and then sitting down on the floor. I start sketching and don't even hear the sound of the door opening. Vena walks in holding a plate of food and I look up. She sets the food down then sits beside me.

"How are you doing dear?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I'm ok..." I mutter. 

"At least he didn't punish you." Vena says and places a hand on my shoulder.

"For now." I say then hold back tears, sniffling to keep then inside. Vena rubs my back and I smile. 

"He's more merciful than you think." Vena says and then with that she's gone.

I curl up in the uncomfortable bed after a warm dinner and grab my cup drinking the water from it. I lay down then drift slowly to sleep.

*Addy Pov dream! *

"Answer!" Ingressus shouts strangling me with his Supporium song. I grip at my own throat as if trying to pry someone off. 

"I-I--" I rasp through panicked breaths, and I can feel my vision getting fuzzy. Ingressus finally lets me fall down then something strikes me on the back. I scream and shirk back against the wall. Ingressus approaches me then growls. 

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