Chapter 28--Baking

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"Now add the flour." My father commands as he looks at the recipe. 

"Father what are we making?" I ask him and he looks up from where he's leaning against the wall and watches as Elaina adds the flour and she responds before he can.

"It's bread, right?" She asks cautiously.

"That is correct." He says slightly impressed. She smiles more confidently. 

"Addy why don't you add the sugar?" He asks and I nod.

"How much?" I ask.

"Seven cups.... that's a lot of sugar..." Ingressus says as I walk over and grab the sugar off of the shelf. I scoop out seven cups and put it in the large pot.

"Well, it is for the entire clan." I say and he nods then walks over and grabs the eggs and comes over to us setting it down. He cracks them and puts them in the pot. Elaina steps aside as he does so, making room for her Master to get around. We eventually finish the bread and I put it in to bake while Ingressus grabs the recipe book again then hands it to Elaina for her to hold. She takes it and waits for him to grab something before giving it back. He smiles towards her as she shuffles nervously. He then moves over and playfully nudges me aside.

"Rude..." I say and he chuckles. 

"What is the next thing on the recipe, Elaina?" He asks.

"Butter." She responds.

"What are we making?" I ask as Elaina shows Ingressus the recipe and how much butter to get as he stands beside her.

"Cookies." Elaina says and then walks over and grabs the sugar and some measuring spoons. Ingressus adds the butter then gestures for me to mix once Elaina puts the sugar in. I start mixing and Elaina starts getting the dry ingredients and putting them in another bowl. Ingressus hands her more and she measures them out then mixes them. She pours it in then Ingressus goes back over to leaning against the wall. 

"That's all I'll make you two do for now." He says. "But I'm going to have to watch you if you play around."

"Ok." Elaina says hurriedly.

"Ok," I shrug, and he smiles at us both.

"Go ahead and play around I don't care." He says and smirks as Elaina looks over to me with eager eyes. I nod and we race over to the other end of the cooking tower and start playing tag. 

"Tag." Elaina says and runs past me.

"Not fair!" I object but she playfully runs away, and I run after her tackling her and Ingressus chuckles.

"Careful, I'm watching you." He says and I nod getting up along with Elaina. We both smile and Ingressus laughs then gets the bread out and sets it on the counter brushing his hands off then pulling out Voltar and looking at its reflection in his eyes. He smiles at us, and we smile back uncontrollably. Me and Elaina sit down, and Elaina crosses her legs as we lean our heads against the wall.

"Do you like Tygren?" She asks sneakily and I blush madly.

"No!" I say and look away to hide my bright red blush. 

"You so do! I think he likes you back, I've heard him talking about you." She says.

"So who do you like then?" I ask and she blushes more than I did.

"No one." SHe says.

"You totally like someone. your face is bright red." I say and smirk as she looks away.

"It's just my face markings." She argues/

"You don;t ahve face markings." I remind her and she finally opens her eyes.

"Fine," She sighs.

"So who is it?" I ask.

"Well I like this one guy named...." She starts then gives me a glance. "You must promise to not tell anyone this."

"I promise." I say and she holds out her pinky. I link pinkies with her, and she gives me a look and I nod. We let go and she straightens herself.

"His name is Zen." She finally says.

"Oh, he's cute." I say. 

"I don't know what to say to that." She says.

"Just say 'ok'" I tell her and she nods. "Ok." She says and I smile.

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