Chapter 29--Crown Peak Pt 1.

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I follow my father through crown peak along with the Voltaris that came with us. I rush up and tap him lightly. We are all wearing cloaks as not to get discovered and it's working pretty well.

"Where is the Prime Song?" I whisper once he tilts towards me so that I can whisper, and he can hear me.

"I'm not entirely sure but it's most likely at the house atop of this place." He responds and I nod. Crown Peak was not what I imagined it to be. It has so many sad looking people that it hurts me inside. We head up the stairs and pass countless humans and guards on the way. One child runs up to me and holds out his hands desperately towards me. I kneel down as he can only be about three years old with ruffled and messy red hair and large but desperate brown eyes that match his brown skin.

"What do you need?" I ask kindly and he holds out his hands again.

"Food." He says so quietly that I can barely hear him. I notice that he is as skinny as just being skin and bones. I pull out my small but very valuable diamond knife and twirl it slightly but place the knife in his hands. He looks down at it somewhat confused.

"This should be enough to get you enough food for about four months." I say and stand up, but he hurries over and grabs my hand and starts leading me back down the stairs. I glance back and see that the rest of the Voltaris including my father silently turn and follow us. The little boy leads me into a nearby food parlor where several humans and a few felinas are seated. Some turn and look at me but most of the conversation continues. We head towards the counter, and I find myself pulling my cloak over my head more. The boy hands me the knife and I sense his meaning and set it on the table (rather loudly) looking at the worker who stops shining a cup and walks over to us lazily.

"What can I get ya?" He asks and eyes the boy with a disgusted look. I grit my teeth seeing how racist he is and nearly punch him in the face. The boy looks down ashamedly and I grip his hand. 

"All of the food that this'll buy." I say gesturing to the knife.

"Who's it for?" He asks and narrows his eyes at me. 

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"You are going to tell me or else--" he starts but my father gets out of his seat at a table with Tygren and Lucidious and walks over to me standing on my other side.

"Just give my daughter her food and stop asking questions." He snarls and the worker's eyes widen.

"Y-You're the Deathsinger." he stammers. "I won't allow this, you're both Voltaris and this disgusting creatur--" 

I quickly cover the boy's eyes as my father quickly pulls out his sword and stabs it into the worker's chest. All of the conversation around us stops and I pick the boy up continuing to cover his eyes and he hugs my neck. The Deathsinger twists the sword all the way around in the worker's chest and ignores the shocked gazes of all of the customers. The worker's face goes in pain and his breathing comes out in gasps. 

"And I won't allow you to live you evil creature." He snarls and with that, slowly pulls his sword out of the workers chest and he falls onto the table, dead. Blood streams down the table and drips off of the edge and the worker's eyes go pale as they are wide and shocked. All of the cups on the table have fallen off and shattered on the ground once the worker collapsed.

"Now all of you stay quiet unless you want to end up like him." My father hisses and points to the dead body. Everyone in the food parlor stays silent still in shock. The boy in my arms whimpers as he can hear the no one is talking.

"Let's go." Ingressus commands and several Voltaris stand up and follow their master out of the door. I glance back at the body one last time before walking out of the door as well. 

"I want to know your name." The boy whispers as he now knows that I'm Voltaris. He tries to get out of my grip, but I run my fingers through his hair and bite my tongue.

"Hey... it's ok. I'll tell you my name and why my father did that." I say.

"Your father is the Deathsinger?" He asks in a light and scared voice. I set him down and stop as the rest of the Voltaris keep going. 

"Yes, but I promise it's ok. He did that because he was mad." I say and the boy shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Why would he kill someone just because he's mad? That's not very good...." He says and I nod sympathetically.

"It's not all that good but that man was a terrible person." I respond and he doesn't argue with me. I can sense that he feels the same way about the man as the man had called him 'disgusting'.

"Oh, and my name is Addison Voltaris but call me Addy." I say and he looks up into my eyes sadly.

"Addy.... am I disgusting?" He asks and my heart lurches and I want to go back and stab the worker a million times for saying that.

"No, no, no, no!" I say scootching closer and holding his small hand in my own. "Don't let anyone make you think that! You're beautiful and amazing."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"100 percent." I say. "You're prettier than me."

"But you're beautiful.... anyone could agree with me." He says.

"And anyone could agree with me about you to." I say and touch his cheek. He smiles at me brightly and I stand up taking his hand.

"Now let's go find your parents." I say and he lets me lead him away. I can sense my father watching me and I glance back. He gives motions for Tygren to follow me, and I just shrug. 

"I actually only have my father now." The boy tells me.

"I only have mine as well." I say.

"He must be very protective over you to kill someone." He responds and has to walk quickly to keep up with me. 

"He might be." I chuckle.

"What happened to your mother?" He asks and I try not to cry.

"She was killed..." I say.

"By who?" The boy asks.

"An Ardoni champion." I sigh and he hugs me causing me to stop and hug him back. Once he lets go, he looks forward again and then points.

"There's my father!" he says and then looks back at me sadly.

"Wait for just a moment." He says as his father starts walking towards us. he's like an older version of the boy but he has black hair. I watch the boy pull something out of his pocket and then place it in my hand. It's a hairclip shaped like a leaf, and it's made of emerald with little diamond patterns in it.

"W-what?" I ask and look up at him.

"It's for helping me and giving me the knife for food." He responds and I smile warmly at him then kneel down and hug him. "Thank you, I will keep it forever."

"And wear it!" He says.

"And I'll wear it." I chuckle.

"Goodbye Addy." He says then let's go of me and goes over to his father. I stand up and feel like my heart was just stabbed at seeing the small boy grab his father's hand and walk away forever.

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now